A Sneak Peek At TweetMapper


Devotees will remember that last year the team over here at iCodeBlog released a little iPad app called TweetMapper that showed a live stream of tweets coming down from 10 major cities. Well since then Twitter deprecated its support for XML and increased its support for better searching. As a result about a month ago we dusted the project off and went at completely rebuilding it. We added Core Data in, support for the now current streaming JSON output from Twitter, the ability to define custom locations (Up to 25, as big as you want), and a whole bunch of other stuff. We’ll be getting it into the store soon, but for now we have a demo video together. Take a look and watch for it’s release in the App store for iPad and iPhone in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for reading!

Tweet Mapper by ELC Technologies Demo from Collin Ruffenach on Vimeo.

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