Apple exploring ways to make the iPhone less expensive

Recently there has been a lot of chatter about Apple possibly releasing a couple of different versions of the iPhone, including one that is smaller. According to the New York Times, Apple is trying to find ways to make the iPhone more appealing to a wider range of consumers rather than segmenting their market by introducing different types of iPhones.

But contrary to published reports, Apple is not currently developing a smaller iPhone, according to people briefed on Apple’s plans who requested anonymity because the plans are confidential.

Apple’s engineers are currently focused on finishing the next version of the iPhone, which is likely to be similar in size to the current iPhone 4, said one of the people. The person said Apple was not planning to introduce a smaller iPhone any time soon. Analysts expect the new iPhone to be ready this summer.

This is good news for developers since a smaller iPhone would mean reworking apps to make them fit the different sized screens. If iOS devs wanted to do that they would build apps for Android.

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