Turn Back the Clock with Vintage Video Apps

In the past we’ve discussed at length the new fad of vintage photography via apps such as Instagram. There are plenty of outspoken haters of this trend but the rest of us are happy to enjoy the fun of bringing a little old school goodness to our high tech phones.

Some forward thinking developers have already begun looking past still photographs and bringing the same vintage trend into video. The result is a quickly growing selection of apps that make it incredibly easy to create video clips with enough retro flare to make Hipstamatic users green with envy.

8mm Vintage Camera

This beautiful piece of software is currently being featured on the iTunes store as the App of the Week. The app comes with 25 built-in “looks” that offer different variations of dust & scratches, retro colors, flickering, light leaks, and frame jitters.

Much like with Hipstamatic, you can choose from and combine five different lenses and five different films to create a completely customized experience. These effects update live so you can see exactly what they will look like before hitting the record button.

The end product is actually quite believable as a piece of old footage. Check out the sample video here as proof.

Price: $1.99


8mm Vintage Camera

Vintage Video Maker

Vintage Video Maker contains five different effects to add to either a new or existing video: 20′s Movie , 60′s Home Video, Black & White Video, Sepia Video and Sepia Vintage Video. You can also slow down and speed up the video for added effect.

After you’ve recorded your video and chosen an effect, choose a sound effect to add. Options include old piano music or a running movie projector.

Price: $1.99 (limited time)


Vintage Video Maker


The developers of Vintage Video Maker also created this app. If tons of options and buttons aren’t really your thing and you’d rather have something simple, check out iRetroscope.

All you do is move the slider to a specific decade and the video effect will automatically be updated to reflect a home movie from that time period. It’s that easy!

Price: $1.99



CinemaFX for Video

If you’re the exact opposite of the simple, easy going customer described in the previous app, this one might be for you. CinemaFX for Video includes a whopping 55 effects to make your videos look awesome.

You can stack up to three different effects from four different categories together and make side-by-side comparisons with the original video. Once you’re done, you can export your videos straight to YouTube in full HD.

For $2.99, this amazing app is quite a steal!

Price: $2.99


CinemaFX for Video


This app is all about one thing: reproducing the look of old 8mm film. The interface is a little complex for such a basic app, but once you get the hang of it you’ll love the results.

This is another app for those not too concerned with a myriad of effects but opt instead for letting the software take over while you simply shoot. One nice feature is Facebook integration so you can instantly share your videos with your friends.

If you like this one, be sure to check out Super 8, another app with a nearly identical concept but slightly different execution.

Price: $1.99




VintageScene-Video features a number of heavy aging effects including sepia tone, grain, darkened edges, and distressed paper. Each effect can be fine-tuned by the user for just the right touch.

The app is based on an earlier photography version, VintageScene

Price: $1.99




The apps above each take a unique spin on the idea of applying vintage effects to modern video. It may not be what you want for all of your video projects, but it’s certainly a fun way to add more interest to some boring cell phone footage.

Leave a comment below and tell us about the vintage video apps that you’ve used. Which apps did you love and which did you hate? Are there any that we missed? Let us know!

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