Motivational Music: Songs That Get Me Going

I was reading an article on music motivation and I started thinking about when I listen to music at work and what I seek out for motivation.

To be honest, I have a hard time listening to music when I’m writing — even classical music. But there are times when I’m not writing or editing and I need a pick me up. That’s when I turn on my iTunes and tune in. I try to keep it at a normal decibel level during normal office hours, but when I’m working late and the only one in the office I can turn it up and even — gasp! — sing along.

I’m a child of the 80s and 90s, and having graduated from high school during the “Jock Jams” era and grunge, my taste varies. Here are some of my favorite pump-me-up tunes:

I Like to Move it Move it (Reel 2 Reel)

This song has actually permeated my 3-year-old niece’s musical repetoire thanks to the movie, Madagascar.

Two Step (Dave Matthews)

I spent many a summer planning trips to Dave Matthews concerts with my friends during my college years. They’re some of my best memories of my early 20′s and his music always gets me revved up.

Fired Up (Ralph Falcon)

I also spent many a summer working at restaurants and nightclubs in the Boston area during college, so dance music always gets my body moving. The beat to this song is simply infectious.

Send Me On My Way (Rusted Root)

This is a great song to listen to in the car, but beware. I’ve caught myself speeding every time it comes on. It just makes you want to go fast!

What songs do you listen to when you need a little extra oomph?

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