How to pair Fonts

heard through the grapevine you’ve got the task of pairing fonts. Ah, the
dreaded font choosing portion of your design project. Now before you resort to
using the most popular font combinations, let me tell you, it’s not as hard as
it looks. One could argue you must have an eye for design to scope out the best
pairs, but that’s why Bold Web Design has made a font combination tool for you. That way, even if
you aren’t too confident in your font knowledge or your eye for typography, you
can find a pair and know they work well together. All fonts paired together in
this article have our stamp of approval.

you’re looking for a simple formula to decipher how to pair fonts, the easiest
way to look at fonts is to divide them between serifs and sans serifs.

fonts have those little feet on the ends of each character, and sans serifs

Abril Fatface, is a perfect example of
a Serif font.

Archivo, is a sans serif font, as it
has no feet, and very simple lines.

they say opposites attract, making serifs and sans serifs pair extremely well
together. That doesn’t mean that this is always the case, though! Pairing fonts
is about balance. As long as one doesn’t overshadow the other, and they both
help promote the correct message, then you’re fine.

not to do? Don’t pair two bold fonts together. By bold, I mean fonts that have
a lot of personality, unique traits, or are flashy. These fonts need to be used
in moderation and paired with versatile fonts, or else they will overwhelm the
eye of the reader.

for popular examples? Keep reading – you’re in the right place. We’ve listed a
few below!

classy all over with a bit of modern flair on my serifs. Who am I? Playfair
Display! This contemporary version of a traditional serif font makes it look
high-end but not outdated. Look at the personality in the serifs! Paired with a
simple yet modern Source Sans Pro, this duo is a recipe for sophistication.

Just like the name suggests, Dancing Script seems to dance off
the page. It almost looks like a perfect version of the best cursive writing
you’ve seem. Familiar yet effortless. Paired with a modern and clean Josefin
Sans, these light script and sans serif duo brings a delicate personality to
whatever content you’re designing.

Simple lines are a sign of the modern times. Sometimes less is
more, and that is definitely the case with this combination. Due to their
simplicity these sans serif fonts could be used for many different purposes and
to relay many different messages. The possibilities are endless with their
elegant simplicity.


all this you may be wondering, does it even matter if your fonts are compatible
together? To the rest of the world, fonts are just fonts. Times New Roman seems
to do the trick in a lot of instances. However, font combinations really do
matter. If you pair two fonts together that clash, your information will look
like it’s clashing. There’s a reason there’s a popular saying life is about balance. If you have two
dominant fonts, they will always be competing for attention. Think of a
statement piece. Maybe this is a piece of furniture, a necklace, or a
decoration. The reason it’s called a statement piece is because you want the
view of others to be directed towards the statement. That doesn’t work if you
have multiple statements competing with each other. That yellow top may not
look so great with neon green pants, sorry to break it to you.

the eye doesn’t know where to look, it won’t. If a consumer is feeling
overwhelmed by the look of your information, what makes you think they’re going
to take the time to read it? A click back is pretty simple, and you want you to
do everything in your power to keep the consumer on your page, ad, or whatever
design you’re creating. If you’re not doing this, you can be sure your
competitors are. Keep up with the competition by picking fonts that work well
together! A small detail can make all the difference. 

Author Bio:

creative jack of all trades, Kelsey from Bold Web
brings tasteful wit to each article she writes.
With experience in the world of design, she understands the struggles of
choosing fine details, like fonts, that put the cherry on to

The post How to pair Fonts appeared first on Hidden Pixels.

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