How to Use Google Analytics Effectively

There is a reason why Google Analytics is so popular, and why most businesses will use it as a tool to maximize their sales and appeal. As the top search engine, Google has immense research power and it is able to scan through and analyze incredibly large data sets quicker than you can take a breath or blink. To overlook Google is to put yourself at a massive disadvantage, and could be the difference between an effective marketing campaign and a total flop. Read on for some insider tips on how to get the most from Google.

Use analytics to Identify Untapped Global Markets

The geographic function of Google Analytics makes finding out where visitors come from straightforward. If you are getting lots of hits from a certain country, consider expanding your operations to better fit trade requirements and usability. This could make all the difference when seeking to heighten conversion rates. Perhaps if you do not offer PayPal as a payment option, for example, doing so could entice international visitors to buy your product. You might be surprised where you can gain new custom; it could be a market you haven’t even considered.


Use Analytics to Develop your Search Engine Optimization Strategies

Compared for other paid for services, Google Analytics offers an incredible depth of information. To measure whatever optimization campaign you currently operate with, you need to learn what entices your visitors to click and what turns them off completely. If it gets attention, do it more and do it better. To understand your target market better, and thus implement the best SEO strategies you can, you can use the visitor segmentation tool to tell you how many of your visitors are repeat customers. This could give you a really clear indication, for example, of how well your blog is doing. If you do not have a blog yet, consider the increased traffic you could command by doing so.

SEO is an important element of digital marketing which can no longer be overlooked. Not only can it improve your online presence, but can also broaden your reach and unlock hidden potential your business is currently keeping under wraps.


Use Analytics to Rethink Your Website

If your website is not performing well, find out why by using Analytics. Monitor bounce rate, for example, if there are a significant number of visitors disappearing before navigating the rest of the site, it could be that the website is not appealing to your target market. Look again at your landing page, are they landing to the correct pages and are they loading quick enough? Similarly, it could be that your website loads badly on mobile or tablet devices, for example, or slowly as a result of a bad server. If you are looking to speed up your site to attract staying visitors, look into other website hosting companies. Don’t stay loyal to a partner that is not providing you with what you need. Just because you have always been with them, doesn’t mean you should stay. If something is harming your business, replace it with a better alternative.

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