Tuts+ Workshop: Created by You, Round Three

We publish a wide variety of tutorials and tips on Vectortuts+, but it’s not often we get to see the other side of our tutorials. In our "Created by You" Tuts+ Workshop, we shine a spotlight on the fantastic work created by the students of Vectortuts+ and give you the opportunity to take part in Round 4! Find out how you can join in on the next installment after the jump!


From time to time, we have readers show us what they’ve been able to create by using our tutorials or what’s been inspired by one of our tutorials. Often seeing what others have made inspires others to give it a go. This is what this Tuts+ Workshop is all about… sharing with our readers what you’ve created!

Tuts+ Workshop: Created by You, Round Three

Check out these great vector pieces by our readers in this third installment and then find out how you can join in on this Tuts+ Workshop. There is more to come so if you don’t see your vector here, keep your eyes open for the next one. If you missed the previous rounds, you can find the first round here and the second round here.


My name is Blanka, I’m a graduate student of Information Technology. As for my interests, it’s art, art and art of all various kinds, especially those related to IT like webs and game design.

Blanka on deviantART

Blanka used “How to Create a Landscape Wallpaper for your Desktop” to create this great scene. Tutorial created by Brent Nelson.


My name is Charlene and whilst I’m not a professional artist I love practicing it in my free time. I mostly learn about art online through deviantArt and other tutorials I can find. I started out as a traditional artist but these days I experiment with digital too – I just want to try everything! I was first introduced to Illustrator when I was 16 by my graphic design teacher and was intrigued by it since.

Charlene on deviantART

Charlene used “Quick Tip: How to Create Typographic Snowflakes” to create snowflakes in Adobe Illustrator and then finished it off in Adobe Photoshop. Tutorial created by Anne Elster.


I’m Müy. Currently I’m a graphic design student. I work as a freelancer. I love to make colorful designs.

Müy’s Behance Profile

Müy used “Quick Tip: Create a Slick Golden Text Effect with Adobe Illustrator” to create this silver effect text. Tutorial created by Andrei Marius.

Joe St.Onge

Hello, my name is Joe St.Onge and I am 50 years old. When I was younger, I had a great interest in drawing and caricatures, I started using Photoshop to edit images I was placing on a website I was building for my work, and really got hooked on what it could do. Then I discovered Illustrator, and my interest in art was rekindled. I can’t say there is just one tutorial that I can say have helped me, because there are so many, but here are a few that I have gotten some good lessons from.

Joe used “Quick Tip: How to Create Vector Mascot Characters Using a Graphic Tablet” and “How to Create a Web Site Mascot”. Tutorials created by Victoria Vasilyeva and Scott Jackson.

Mette Olsen

Mette used “How to Create a Scratchboard Effect Bear Portrait” as inspiration behind this great wolf illustration. Tutorial created by Sharon Milne.

Michak Pawouk

I’m Michal Pawouk, 24 years, working as a webmaster and blogger.
I’m from Czech republic and I have just started learning Adobe Illustrator vector graphic.

Michak used “How to Create a Cute Bunny Vector Character” this adorable little fella. Tutorial created by Ryan Putnam.

Muhammad Suayegh

Muhammad used “Create a Classic, Sailing Ship in Illustrator CS5″ his version of a sailing ship. Tutorial created by Getulino Pacheco.

Nauris Briedis

I am 20 years old, I am from Latvia. My inspirations definitely are other designers in all world, just when I see great art, I say to myself that I also want to make something like he/she did… So thanks to them!

Nauris Briedis on deviantArt

Nauris used “Create a Detailed Toilet Plunger Illustration” this plunger. Tutorial created by Andrei Marius.


My name is Ewa and I’m a twenty years old girl from Poland. From the childhood I’m trying everything which is connected with art and creativity. During attempts creating layouts for websites I came across a vector graphic and probably I stuck in this for longer. I am self-taught, but in October I’m starting school relating to advertising. So far, I have learned by watching others work and following tutorials such yours. It’s very helpful! In this way I learn new techniques and then I could try to connect them and use in my independent projects.

Ewa on deviantArt

Ewa used “Create a Tasty Cupcake Icon in Adobe Illustrator” a yummy pink cupcake. Tutorial created by Sharon Milne.

Storm Sierra

I am a beginner artist in every sense of the word. I love the Tuts+ Network. Easy to follow tutorials.

Storm Sierra’s on deviantArt

Storm used “How to Create a Curious Owl in Illustrator CS4″ a midnight owl illustration. Tutorial created by Andrea Austoni.

How to Get Involved!

Would you like to show off what you’ve been able to create by following our tutorials? Are you proud of what you have achieved? Join the Vectortuts+ Facebook page and post what you’ve created by using a Vectortuts+ tutorial.


  • Artwork must have a visible similarity to one of the tutorials on the website, so readers can see what they could possibly achieve! It doesn’t have to be perfect, nor does it have to look exactly like the end tutorial result, just similar.
  • We have readers checking out the Vectortuts+ Facebook page, so please link to the tutorial you used so others can check it out also.
  • You may submit more than one design, however we may spread the pieces over different articles to give other people a chance to shine as well.
  • When you publish your work on Facebook, please include one or two paragraphs about yourself and/or your work and a link to your website/online portfolio. We love knowing more about our readers, especially when we see how much creativity and talent they have!
  • Have fun! All submissions are welcome – regardless of whether you’ve been vectoring one month or ten years!

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