Marketplaces Exceed 1,000,000 Members: Infographic!

Hey folks! I’m Jordan McNamara, the Community Manager for Envato and I wanted to share some exciting news with you about the Envato Marketplaces.

The 12th of September was an exciting day for me as a member of our thriving Marketplace community. I along with everyone here at Envato HQ watched eagerly as the global Marketplace member count steadily grew higher and higher and higher…

We were close, very close to the 1,000,000 member milestone. With every page refresh the count grew higher and I began to reflect on just how staggering having 1,000,000 members really is and on just what a fantastic community everyone has helped to build here.

I remember starting at Envato in 2009 and being blown away by the 250,000 or so accounts that were registered at the time. I bragged to all of my friends “Can you believe there’s a quarter of a million members!?”. Little did I know in just under two and a half years I would be writing this post!

View the Infographic!

To celebrate this exciting occasion we wanted to do something interesting and fun that celebrates the Marketplace community and the sites themselves. So with that in mind, we are proud to present the 1,000,000 Members Infographic! We’ve packed it full of fascinating facts and data about our members and our nine Marketplaces.

Click to Jump to the Infographic!

Every day we continue to be amazed at the astonishing speed our community of creative members grows. We’ve enjoyed every minute of the journey and are proud and thankful of the achievements our members have made. Here’s to the next million!

View the Infographic!

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