Ultra-flexible home page
The home page is buildt with up to ten modules that can be ordered and disabled/enabled individually. The home page can contain everything from slideshow, galleries, portfolios, pages, widgets and blog. Be amazed by the wonderful diversity of this theme. Be sure to check out all the home page example-pages on the demo.
Unlimited colors
Almost every aspect of the design can be changed via the newly developed theme options panel. Change color on backgrounds, sidebar, menus and much more with the handy colorpicker that is in the theme options panel. Add new background-images in seconds with the image uploader. It has never been easier skinning themes.
Translation panel
No need to mess about with .mo and .po files any longer. Simply translate the theme via the translation panel in the theme options panel.
Great shortcodes
Create great looking pages with the use of the handy shortcodes that come with this theme. Many different column layouts, tab-panels and toggles.
Many portfolio and gallery layouts
The theme has 5 layouts for portfolio and 5 for gallery, including a gallery slider.
Key features
- 8 skins
- Unlimited colors
- Unlimited backgrounds and background images
- Translation panel in Theme options
- 2 custom post types
- Portfolio
- Slides
- Great videosupport. Add Vimeo or Youtube video to
- Pages
- Posts
- Blog
- Portfolio
- Lightbox
- Many useful shortcodes
- Great theme options panel
- Sidebar left/right
- 18 widgetized areas
- 4 custom widgets