Groupon Clone Script

Groupon Clone Script is a group coupon buying service. We’re looking at doing something similar on a more suburban and lower scale. Please visit their website to see front-end appearance and functionality. (Current Deal, Prior Deals, Countdown, Live Sales Count, etc)


Everything for this script needs to be back-end driven by an admin. Through a specific login URL, an admin needs to be able to:

1) Create additional admin accounts
2) Allows me to create Regions or Cities for each offer Category
3) Within each Region or City, I need to create new Products (offers)
a) Which have a SKU, Price, description, physical location, website, images, etc.
b) Maximum number of units that can be sold before inventory runs out.
c) Set the start date of the offer and end date (midnight to midnight, Pacific Time – US)
d) When live, deal is on the Region/City MainPage.
e) When dead (after sold), is not displayed.
f) Allow me to craft an HTML email element which is sent to all buyers of the product that also inserts their Full Name and email address which they print out and use to give to the store/restaraunt
4) Allows me to view Display Page for any offer
5) Allows me to view number of sales, and contact information for all buyers of that particular “product” offer
6) Allows me to save buyer info into a CSV file
7) Allows me to click which dead deals to display on a “prior deals” page for that Region/City
8) Allows me to select one column or two columns to display prior deals and total displayed.
9) Displays only specific information to the expired deal in the prior deal view but each should be clickable to a special prior deals directory displaying the normal page but not allowing the item/offer to be purchased.
10) Transactions should pump through PayPal
11) Auto-Generated Customer Email with stylized graphics-included coupon upon purchase completion.

Need complete installer for database portion. Need template driven front end (customer facing). Complete script.