Why Django does not be deployed easily?

I have been learning Django for a long time, and I always find difficulties in deploying my projects,

I often deploy my projects on AWS, and it takes a lot of money,

also, the other platforms take a lot of fees to make your Django project deployed on their platforms,

After that I decided to move to PHP

here I found a difference,

and the difference is in the amount of time, that you need to deploy your project (which is a lot shorter than Django),

and the amount of fees that you need to pay to the platform to deploy your project on (it is 100%100 cheaper than Django),

and there are a lot of platforms for PHP, while Django there are few platforms to deploy your project on,

and PHP is much easier to deploy, there are platforms that just you take your project and drag it then drop it to them, and this is everything.

my questions are :

1- Why sometimes you have to take a cloud computer service then you have to install python , and everything in python , then you upload the Django project, it is like you are using it on your computer,

2- does Django need a whole computer system, to be deployed on because it does not work on a server directly ?

3- and why PHP is easier ? , is it because it works on a server directly and does not need anything like whole computer system to be deployed on , just it needs a server and that is is ?

4- and what is difference between hosting platforms, and services like cloud computer ?