MongoError when uploading excel on Laravel platform

I have been having this error on Laravel 11 when I try to upload an Excel document where my database is a MongoDB instance:

Transaction numbers are only allowed on a replica set member or mongos

Steps to reproduce

  1. I installed Laravel 11
composer create-project laravel/laravel
  1. I added Laravel Mongodb composer package
composer require mongodb/laravel-mongodb
  1. I added the Laravel Excel composer package
composer require maatwebsite/excel:^3.1
  1. Added some User Interface to facilitate the upload of the document. I am trying to upload assets into the web platform.

  2. Created an AssetsImport document

php artisan make:import AssetsImport

The part that’s producing the error is on this file,

class AssetsImport implements ToCollection 
  public function collection(Collection $collection) 
     foreach ($collection as $key => $row) {
        $asset = Asset::where('asset_no', $row[2])->first();
        if($asset) {
        // add the upload code

The above script is meant to check if there’s an existing Asset. If it’s there, then don’t add it (Continue with the foreach loop).

After checking this similar question, I still could not find a solution for this. Is this the correct way of implementing, and if so, how do I go about solving this error. I don’t have control over the database (there’s a Server Admin) so I cannot just add a replica set. Kindly assist.