Need to change command in PHP correctly [closed]

I am trying to remove information about days and time for UPS Shipping, which I have for our online shop.
this is command which need to be changed to get read from information about days and time.

$shipcostarray[] = array( "method" => "ups_ap", "name" => translate( "UPS Access Point" ) . $ups_ap_info, "cost" => $ups_ap_price, "days" => $rate['GUARANTEED_DAYS'], "time" => $rate['GUARANTEED_TIME'] );

When I am removing “days” or “days” and => or “days” => [‘GUARANTEED_DAYS’] “time” => [‘GUARANTEED_TIME’]

the whole site disappears.
I know I am removing the command wrong, but how it should look like?

This is how it look like and red lines shows what I want to remove.


I try to correct command but I did it wrong.