View image from array (no download)

I’m playing around with some json files. Is it possible to view the image indicated in the array URL with the tag?
If I insert it, the browser lets me download the photo but doesn’t display it.
I also tried changing the photo ID to the filename in the URL but it doesn’t find it.
Maybe this service is not allowed?

Thank you all.

    "identifiers":"IRAS 14013+5435,MCG +09-23-028,PGC 050063,SDSS J140312.52+542056.2,UGC 08981",
    "ned_notes":"M102 may be a duplicate obs. of M101; see Sawyer, JRASC 41, Nos 7&8, 1947.",
            "rgba(241, 240, 240, 1.00)",
            "rgba(252, 252, 252, 1.00)",
            "rgba(250, 250, 250, 1.00)"

I have created a layout for each celestial body and I would like to make the image appear as well.