Google Services like fcm and map Response Delayed unexpectedly

guys I am facing very strange issue, everything was working fine two days ago, all of sudden google map and fcm push notifications started taking to much time in giving response.sometime they give response within a milliseconds sometime the take almost 75 seconds or more, everything working fine on local machine, this issue is happening on live server.our live server is Scala vps, day before yesterday i asked them to change my supervisor config, and after they change and restart supervisor these issues start arising, after that they stop supervisor but still things are not getting back to normal, i asked Scala team a lot about anything they change in server config but they are saying everything is normal on their end. i deployed same code on another server it is working fine their, the api’s which are delaying responses are google map directions ,distance matrix apis and fcm push notifications api, all other external services api working fine, very strange, i am using guzzel http liabrary to call google directions api, i tried with simple curl but still no luck.and this is my very simple code

            $d_latitude = $request->d_latitude;
            $d_longitude = $request->d_longitude;
            $apiurl = "" . $s_latitude . "," . $s_longitude . "&destination=" . $d_latitude . "," . $d_longitude . "&mode=driving&sensor=false&units=metric&key=" . Setting::get('map_key')."&alternatives=true";
            $client = new Client;
            $location = $client->get($apiurl);
            $location = json_decode($location->getBody(), true);