From SQL to Laravel 8 Eloquent

I have created a query in SQL and it works quite well.

SELECT learning_content_number,
            count(required) as required,
            count(overdue) as overdue,
            count(status) as status,
            count(completion_date) as completion_date

            FROM hse_leatros
            GROUP BY learning_content_number 

Now I want to translate it in Laravel 8 Eloquent. This script works, but I am missing the information about the course.

$courses = Leatro::groupBy('learning_content_number')
        ->selectRaw('count(required) as required, learning_content_number')
        ->selectRaw('count(overdue) as overdue, learning_content_number')
        ->selectRaw('count(status) as status, learning_content_number')
        ->selectRaw('count(completion_date) as completion_date, learning_content_number')

How can I enter the in the code that it is transferred with?