Seo Article Writers 2

Seo Article Writers 2
Need SEO articles written on various topics. I would like to hire multiple writers as I need many articles written with same day turnaround. This is the second post for hiring another contractor.


Spelling and Grammer error free.
article length of minimum 500 words
Must be 100% unique and pass copyright checkers
Must be on topic with credible research done

Articles must include keyphrase in proper order and keyword density check of 3%.

Please bid for 10 articles at a maximum of $2 per article.
(10 articles needed, so $20 maximum bid please)

The budget is important as our business model relies on knowing exact costs.

Articles are considered work for hire and all ownership and copyright must be transferred.
Articles cannot be resold or reproduced else

Video Player Without Controls

Video Player Without Controls
I need someone to made me a code, tell me where to find the code, or point me in the right direction to buy the code to a video player that does not have any controls such as fast forward or rewind (only pause). I am tired of searching Google !

This will force the viewer to watch the entire video.

Here are a few examples:

Corporate Logo And Header

Corporate Logo And Header
We need the following for our new website.
-corporate logo
The logo will also be used on our invoices,order forms,business cards,etc.

-redesign of our website header.
The header should show more relevance to what our company does.

-banner for on our template.
We will give you a text to put on this banner

-email signature
This banner will be used in our emails.

Topic of our website:We install solar panel installations
Website language:Dutch
Format:gif and/or jpg.
NO flash
We need full copyright for the delivered work
More details like the text for our banner will be delivered on acceptance of your bid.
You need to have a portfolio we can see before we can accept any bid.
Make a bid for the whole package only.

Basic Design Improvement

Basic Design Improvement
I will provide you with the design psd file.

This project is very basic. I have an already finished design that is about 95 percent where I want it.

I want to do the following things

1. I want to liven up the site a bit with some cool background color schemes, etc

My site looks a bit too corporate and I want it to look a bit more consumer related.

I dont want the same style here… but is an example of a site that makes good use of colors to liven up the the are background images and buy now buttons are not and large and have cool colors. Though I think their color choices are borderline gaudy

2. I have some buttons, etc that are like the ones on the right of I want to make mine just a bit more visually appealing as they look plain right now.

3. I also want the logo improved

I need someone who can take my design from an 8.5 to a 10.

Flashsite Build Cs3

Flashsite Build Cs3
The following features need to be added to as seen on
log in; press; blog; shows; surprise; games; shop; link to facebook/twitter/etc; fanclub; sitemap; search; sign up for newsletter; multi language option (Swedish, German, Spanish, French…..etc; community (login / register, network) ; earn Zoli points.

Total budget: $100 – do not bid over!

Convert Php Site To Mod_perl

Convert Php Site To Mod_perl

I have simple php based website:
About 10-15 pages, users able to login, MySQL DB – so nothing special.
I need it to be converted to mod_perl.
If you are a great Perl developer and have mod_perl experience please let me know in PMB what framework would you use and why. What about database abstraction? Template engine. Debugging. Security. Reason your thoughts.

Joomla Slow Internet Explorer

Joomla Slow Internet Explorer
I use in my site ( the template Sportsline from

The site opens normally in Firefox and Google Chrome, but is very slow in Internet Explorer.

I opened the Sportsline demo ( in Internet Explorer and speed of opening the page and articles is normal.

I’ve installed a clean version of Sportsline in my server, without using my extensions, and the site worked normally.

I already disable various modules and components and still continues slow.

How can I find out what is causing the slowdown in Internet Explorer?

Who can solve this problem?

Best regards,

Edmar Holanda

Custom Invision Power Board 2

Custom Invision Power Board 2
I need a simple php page written for my Invsison Power Board. I have a working php script that extracts the needed data from a seperate table within the datbase (already existing). I just need the data sorted by user ID, last visit & page indexed, deletable by checkbox, and to be able to attach a note (enter text into database table) for common fields such as IP address.


Api Project – Careerbuilder.

Api Project – Careerbuilder.
I need to have an API set up for The API will be set up to pull jobs from I have received a developer key from Careerbuilder which needs to be used to pull the jobs. Careerbuilder will allow my website to do 1,000 job searches per day and pull 500 jobs. We will need to do a USA basic job search every day using a specific category. Take a look at these 3 links before posting your bid.

Seo Articles For Forex & Stock

Seo Articles For Forex & Stock
An internet marketing company specializing in SEO (search engine optimization) needs an experienced content writer proficient in the fields of currency / commodities / stocks trading, to write one or more of the following subjects:

1. Keyword targeted pages.
2. Educational content + TOC (Table of Contents).
3. Periodical (daily, weekly, monthly) analysis articles.

(the above list is ordered according to list of importance)

Volume & Compensation
Initial batch will include at least 10 Keyword – Targeted pages with density requirements + TOC for educational content.
The total amount of articles on the first batch is estimated at a conservative 50 articles.

Payment will be made on a per article basis. We offer $15 per article.

Writing Guidelines
1. Adhere to keyword density instructions.
2. Text should contain usage of bullets (ordered / unordered lists) and secondary titles.
3. Length is between 400-600 words per article.
4. The write should aspire to always deliver new knowledge with each new article, especially when discussing keyword-based articles.

Skills & Experience Required
1. Extensive knowledge of trading in these 3 markets: forex, commodities, stocks.
2. Proven 1 year experience in writing financial content.

Working procedures
1. The chosen bidder will receive a list of keyword-targeted articles with density guidelines.
If cooperation is successful, then:
2. We will work out an educational TOC for each market that the writer is qualified to write about (TOC is considered as an article), followed by writing the specific articles for each of the TOC’s entries.
3. Project’s first stage volume is estimated at 40-50 articles.