
I need workflow setup in SugarCRM 5.5.1. Right now its just a raw instalation.

-I need the sugarCRM with this funktions:
-Gmail interface
-Quote and Invoice module
-PDF Module
-Auto generated mail from sales-man to supplier, with customers info and note from sales-man.
-Project module for supplier to keep updatet
-Checkbox for customer payment
-Joomla integration for lead capturing.

Looking forward for some serious bids

Best regards

Website Design – Logo Design 2

Website Design – Logo Design 2
I would like a handyman site that will blow my competition away when it comes to design & professionalism.

A list of my competition:)

The domain name which I will be using is There is a website uploaded on that domain at the moment. (which I designed myself)

I need a dynamic site yet simple to use and navigate. I need logo and graphics for my handyman website, also I need the logo file ready for print.


Arabic Website Design Al Hayat

Arabic Website Design Al Hayat
Hello there,

We need an arabic design of a website for a polyclinic.

to include :-

1- contact us.
2- request an appointment
3- about us page
4- specialities
5- a breif summary about each doctor
6- directions
7- women care arabic blog
8- beauty care arabic blog
9- implant a video we have to the polyclinics
10- an image rotation on the top of the pages for the equipments.

thank you,

Photographer Hire System

Photographer Hire System
I need a new website created for a customer.

Need something like this website. But then for customers who are in need for a photographer, and that the photographer can get leads.

The details for as far I can see now are:

Information from the customer who need photo service.

Name, address etc.

E-mail address with verification check true e-mail.
Needs to pay for special extras like here. (for example if there is
a fast need for a photo session.)
Needs to be simple to place your hire add in the system.

Needs to be able to pay something true paypal.

For the photographer i need:

Payment system for leads. (He pays a amount for like 10 leads)
All his information like sample pictures and contact information needs to be in the system.
No direct contact between the customer and the photographer untill the photographer has paid for the lead.

This is just a basic idea.

If you have experience then tell what you can offer. The customer like to have investors as well. So if you can invest in this it will be a plus. Be short in your response. No long copy paste story.
No high bids above budget. I trow them away without looking in to it.
Sorry. It is just a trial. So I need to make it a good job.

It is important that you have read that there is maybe more needed, then above mention, but you bid on this is for the whole project. Tell me that you read this by saying. I read the whole project in your response. Sorry, but most projects are not read. It is hard to find someone then.

I also need someone that is communicating true Skype. So, if your mic is broken or you have no Skype, or whatever reason you can think of that you can not communicate true skype. Then do NOT bid on this project.

Do also NOT bid on this project if you have NO experience in it.
I need to see something like this before I choose you.

Thanks for reading this.
Additional Info (Added 3/12/2010 at 15:12 EST)…
A example site:

A person that needs a photographer can ask for it for free, and a photographer can get leads.
I need something like that!

Jpg To Avi Script

Jpg To Avi Script
I need a php script that execute these tasks:
-Select an undefined number of jpg file from a directory in the server using a defined expression to select file. (for example the expression could be *20100310*.jpg to select the files create the 10 March 2010.)
-The selected file should be moved in a different and defined derectory
-The files selected should be joined in a AVI video. Every video is a frame of the video. The frame rate could be defined (es. 0.5 second for every jpg file)

The script will be hosted in the shared service of and should work in that environment.

The script will be executed in crontab.

The preferred language is php.


Credit Repair Sales Clone Proj

Credit Repair Sales Clone Proj
I need a sales letter webpage equivalent to

But for a credit repair

The product will be everything some one will ever need to fix any problem with their credit.

I need to have the credit card payment option to charge for the product and the money to go to my paypal account.

I want it to be set up just like

This will be a 1 page website “sales letter” 2 extra links on the top of website 1 for directing them to my other website, and the other link to have affiliates option, for others to sell my product for a commision.

I want just like the said website to have a squeeze page box That pops up incase someone decides to get out of site to get their name and email for follow up..\ Just like on the said clone site

I only need bidders who will provide “WRITTEN CONTENT” Other wise i am not interested, I will provide many ideas and details and write some stuff but Need Help Writing Content.

Thank you..!!

Only if you understand this please reply
Thank you!

Hyip Templates & Banners

Hyip Templates & Banners
Urgently need straightforward templates AND sets of banners (728×90, 468×60, 125×125) all for goldcoders script. Can be sort of eclectic but must look fresh and design and logo must reflect content. All texts & plans will be delivered.

Some examples:

Some conditions: Apply ONLY if you have proof of skills. Payment by escrow. Budget $100 to $250 per template.


Reverse Auction- Joomla 2

Reverse Auction- Joomla 2
I have TPLancer which is component of Joomla.
I would like to customize it to be a FULL functionality multi language reverse auction site.
It must have content management and templates (separation between front-end and back-end).

Please provide the following:
1. any previews reverse auction sites you have build. Please note that you will be asked to show them on your server in order to prove they are build by you.
2. Maximum 3 most complicated Joomla sites you have developed
3. please write if you are willing to show me some change on the software prior to the agreement so I can be sure you can deliver the work.
4. your profile in other places so I can review your feedbacks

Game Site (flash) 3

Game Site (flash) 3
I need site made just like remove the XXXX

the graphics for the site, and part of the, and games are all already made.

The site won’t have the friends, shops, or community section at all So it’s really only half or less of that site.

I’m wiling to pay $200-250 for the site.

The ecommerce functionality, instalation and all of the other stuff that goes into a site and making it are required.
Additional Info (Added 2/6/2010 at 9:34 EST)…

System Message: This is a reposting of project ID 1263948807.
Job Type:

* Flash