Webdesign Psd Only

Webdesign Psd Only
Dear estimated Designers,

we’re looking for inspirational webdesigner to redesign our travel portal.

Only a photoshop or illustrator design is required. No work with cms templates creation or css.

You’ll receive detailed descriptions and informations about project.

The webdesign should have somewhat organic, dimesional looking, that requires some advanced graphical skills.

Costs of 3rd party art work, photos are NOT subject of the budget, we can balance this separately.

Let me here what you think?


Need A Good Writer – Longter 2

Need A Good Writer – Longter 2
I need a writer to write 12 editorial pieces.

Each editorial piece will be no more than 3-4 paragraphs each (target word count 350-500)

All editorial pieces will relate to a primary quote which I will give to you.

The editorial piece will have a focus on women real estate investors and the real estate market.

I am looking for a good researcher/writer that is willing to work with me long-term and that can submit original work.

You MUST be a native English speaker that knows proper grammar, syntax, spelling and you MUST have the ability to write from a woman’s perspective.

**Before accepting a bid I will send you a sample quote and would like for you to write a paragraph or two and submit it back to me so that I can get a sense of your writing style.**

This project can lead to a long term relationship depending on your skills, professionalism and commitment.

Once selected I would like a quick turnaround.

Thank you and I look forward to your bid/sample of work.

Article Writing: Total Of 30

Article Writing: Total Of 30
I need 30 articles about many different niches, 500 words minimum, must pass copyscape, and should be in perfect english and human writed.


If your English is not good, and you use software to re-write articles, please don´t BID.

The articles are focused around marketing and selling targeting local markets.

I will provide up to 20 keywords, you must write one article around each keyword and each article must also pass our reviews.

Please PM should you have any additional questions.

Psd (fireworks) To Wordress

Psd (fireworks) To Wordress
I have a clean and quite uncomplicated Fireworks-based mockup that needs to be converted to WordPress (CSS – no tables, of course). Please see attached the PDF file for the overview.

Once you are selected for the project, the mockups of homepage and the small number of different types internal pages (which are nearly identical to the homepage, with VERY few cosmetic and functional differences) will be provided to you. I already set up hosting and installed the latest version of WordPress on it – everything is ready for you to transform this simple design into a functional custom WordPress theme website.

I would like this done ASAP, of course.

Joomla Quiz Component

Joomla Quiz Component
My project is to add on to an existing Joomla site that offers teaching seminars and at home study materials through Virtuemart. I want to add a paid quiz component to the site. A user should be able to freely browse the site including the training material(pdf files) and quiz questions (pdf file). When he is ready he can choose to take the quiz by paying through the checkout process. Quiz results are sent to him and the administrator, history of purchases or quizzes are kept for later review. Also want an assessment to see if there is a better method within Joomla/Virtuemart or to do what I am after.

Linux Shell Script – Cron Jo 2

Linux Shell Script – Cron Jo 2
This project requires a linux shell script to upload 2 .txt files and a folder of images from a personal computer with a static ip address to a website server. This job needs to be set up and run from the website server. The website is hosted on bluehost.

Please let me know if you have done this kind of script or similar before.

This script needs to be complete by Monday the 29th.

I am also going to post a project to parse this txt file to a table that resides in a MySQL database. If you are also interested in that piece, look for the project “PHP Parse txt to MySQL table”

Gejosoft Modify (flickr-like)

Gejosoft Modify (flickr-like)
i have purchase the following product.
i would like to have some modification.

All field support by uft8, like title, description, add note,tag and so on.
Rating: 1-10 stars
Sort by rating
After click “zoom”, there is a button or link to click “return”
Profile’s comments can be like or unlike by other registered user.
The order of profile’s comments can be sorted by likeness or unlikness.
Photo’s comment can be like or unlike by other registered user.
The order of profile’s comments can be sorted by likeness or unlikness.
Google map can be set as default zoom level.
Geolocation can be set as default zoom level.
Search field: option:title, description, add note, tag.
In the all page of left hand side, can insert the banner and google adsense.
Banner size is configurable.
Default number of upload photos can be set
One more friend increase the number of photo can be set
Additional page can be add like term of use,privacy, advertisment enquiry, about us, contact us in top toolbar and footer.
Additional page can be add through backend or frontend(administrator only) by html editor.
Postion of photos comments change to just below the description of photo rather than image link code.
After click one tag, it shows thumbs of photos, also show the rating in form of stars (include number of voter) above the photo but below the title
have google analytics
In my map, user can move marker rather than just enter the address

Also, solve the server to display png format correctly.
full member management
insert addthis button below photo in detail views
import photos from picasa, flickr, some main photo website
add category for photos such as coupon (photos), the corresponding field can allow user to fill, such as expiry date, and these field can be sort and searchable.

Simple Php Help Finishing Proj

Simple Php Help Finishing Proj
Hi, I’m a PHP programmer working on a 1-2 day
API-integration project with CodeIgniter
that I just can’t find the time to finish.

You can see my progress here:
>> http://screencast.com/t/NzkxYzg2NjY

Here’s what I’ve done:
– CodeIgniter setup & MySQL db creation & connection
– 100% of the HTML and CSS
– All the CodeIgniter Controllers and 20% of the

I just need someone to connect my interface with data
returned from the various API’s we’re connecting to
(API sample code provided)

Can you help out?  Should be an easy project.

Message me if you have any questions.

Mortgage Broker Site W Rates

Mortgage Broker Site W Rates
I need a quote asap for a joomla site. I can do the joomla install with a template if it will save drop the price down to $400.

We have $450 to spend on the following:

A mortgage broker site that gives rate quotes and captures lead info.

first draft were delivered by March 30

Secure Application Forms & Management = YES [i can get the secure server if it will lower cost]

1003 & Pre-Qual Short Form = YES
Loan Software Integration = YES
Import your applications into common software: = YES
Calyx Point? / Fannie May? / Encompass? = YES
Calculators = YES

Standard, Interest Only Payments, Affordability Calculator, 2nd Mortgage, Blended = YES
Interest Rate, & more … = YES
Quick Rates = YES
Lead Capture Forms = YES
Customer Relationship Management Suite = YES [part of this included in joomla]
Rate Alert (Generate Leads) = YES
Customizable Marketing Streams / Pieces (Drip Campaigns) = YES

I prefer to host this, and prefer to work with someone who can remotely connect to my machine to change server settings if possible. If you only need ftp, I can get you ftp, but if you are going to be doing sql then I would prefer you connect to my computer.
It would be great, but not required if the site had a header with revolving pictures of homes with happy families out in the yards – smiling. Client wants a bit of variety of racial mix, and a bit of variety in the home values.

Adultadvertising.info Repair

Adultadvertising.info Repair
adultadvertising.info is an ad-only ptc site.

links are not clickeable, because system says this at earnings area :

Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT clicks FROM click_history WHERE username=’admin’ and type=’ptc’ LIMIT 1
MySQL Error: 1054 (Unknown column ‘clicks’ in ‘field list’)
Session halted.

I need someone to repair it. Also to check the admin mailer. I have only 4 Usd ( paypal ) .

I have several non-adult ptc sites – if this project is over and ok, later I’d need some more help to check admin mailers of them.

Designers Wanted 2

Designers Wanted 2
I’m looking for a designer who can design and slice it and send it to me.

The payment will be for full project (payment for individual pages are not preferred), need this to be done ASAP.

The site you will have to design will be an MLM capture page generation system. You need to use web 2.0 style.

Looking for around 4 individual pages and 10 pages based on template.

More details will be discussed with winning bidder.

Individual Designers and team are also welcome but only one condition you will have to work according to our terms.

Happy Bidding

Online Webcam

Online Webcam

I am looking for someone who has a pre-build (unbranded) web cam recorder that I could add to my wed site to allow visitors the ability to record from their webcam on my website. Once they are done recording, the system should convert the recording and present the visitor with a link to download their file.

After the file has been downloaded, the original file should delete from the server.

The download file can be in any ONE of the following formats (flv, avi, mpg, mpeg)

Thank you