Php/mysql Pc Service Mang App

Php/mysql Pc Service Mang App
pls see attached info …

this is a php/mysql web app to manage warranty jobs and parts

it links to two other mysql/php apps (IDS & REG) for data retrieval and data updating. ON SAME (WIN) SERVER.

please go to our project management app, MANTIS, for more information

and login with saps/test

you should be able to see screens and Visio & PDF docs (also attached here)

see also sample screens from this service app that look something like our app could look …

these screens give you some IDEA of how we think app should look/work

rather than reinvent the wheel, we think we coudl use teh open source PHP app, Mantis, that we already use as a base for this as Mantis already has 1/2 or more functionality we need

but if you thinak faster/easier/cheaper to do from scratch then you can


you need to be very good at app & form design – because all forms and data used need to work and link and display really well … but by all means borrow from other well designed service sites/forms

let me kmow any initial questions


don card

Customer Login System

Customer Login System

I am creating a website that will have several clients who need to login and view their account information. I need to have a registration and login page, forgot username and password, and registration confirmation email as well. Also, clients should create their account by entering a username, email address, password, address, and phone. When they log in, there has to be the ability for clients to edit that information. Also, there has to be a way that I can enter updates on their account, for example, there must be an area that lists the different projects I am working on for them, and the status of those projects, like, “in process” “complete” “almost complete.” I can create a static page to show you what I am talking about so you have an idea of what I want it to look like. I would write this myself except I am not good at writing PHP. I don’t expect somebody who knows what they are doing to take more than 3 hours to do something like this. Also it needs to be secure and work with an SSL certificate.
Please let me know what other information you need to give me your final bid.

Copy Of

Fiverr Clone

Only 49 USD

Download Fiverr Clone

fiverr clone script

Copy Of
I am looking for someone who would create a copy of the website
It would have the following features:
1. Users would need to register (email confirmation needed)
2. Once inside they can add unlimited number of ads … in order to post they need to select a category, enter keywords/tags, upload photo(s), number of days for delivery of the service/good, and description for the service or good they are selling (see website)
3.Ads are never deleted, but they do get a special “ad-expired” tag over photo after one week
4.Sitemap needs to be generated automatically (even if there are over 100,000 posts)
5.Functional design needs to be similar but NOT the same to
6.Next to the ad there will be a “featured ad” option… they will be able to pay a certain amount of money (through paypal as one option for now, may add other payment systems later) in order for their ad to be at the top of category they selected, and the photo for the post will have a special “featured ad” tag over it
7.each account owner has the option to purchase store credit, the site credit is used for future payments on the site
8. when person A responds to an ad, a message will be sent to person B who posted the ad, and person B will have the option to decline or accept. Then, a subsequent message will be sent back to person A to notify the decision.
9. when a job has been accepted, the “buyer” will submit the payment to a central ADMINISTRATOR account (through paypal as one option for now, may add other payment systems later), and person who posted the ad will receive the payment in his account ON THE SITE after the ad is fulfilled
10. funds stored ON THE SITE must meet a minimum amount before it can be withdrawn from the ADMINISTRATOR account to the personal bank accounts of the member of the site
11. when a job is completed, the person who paid for the service/good will be able to post a review for the service/good they received, which would be listed under the sellers profile (like ebay)

So it’s a basic copy of the website which should handle large amount of simultaneous information exchanges (messages, fund transfers). The website should be developed in English language but we’ll translate everything to different language later.
Contact me if there is something else you need to know. Thanks!

Blogger Needed

Blogger Needed
We need article writers to post blogs of 400 words or more using keywords that we will provide you. You will receive $1 per post, post 10 times a week, and paid weekly.

You will be posting on 10 blogs each week. So 10 blogs, 1 post on each blog, each week.

Please bid only if you understand the specifications and agree with payment terms.

Zen Cart Module

Zen Cart Module
Need a Layaway payment module
1. Works with PayPal not Credit Card
2. Allows Payment terms by balance (including shipping charge and any sales tax)
1. >150<225 = 3 payments = 1st payment at purchase the every 30 days
2. >225<350 = 4 payments = 1st payment at purchase the every 30 days
3. >350<500 = 5 Payments = 1st payment at purchase the every 30 days
4. >500<750 = 6 Payments = 1st payment at purchase the every 30 days
3. Must get acknowledgement of Terms
4. Must send reminders 4 days before payments due to purchaser and store
5. Adds in a 2.00 per payment charge
6. Must have screen for store admin to view layaways in progress.
Please ask any questions and give accurate time estimates. Payment only thru Escrow.

Need A Script Created

Need A Script Created
I need a church directory created with a few extra features, I have attached the pdf of what I need, it seems huge but I tried to make it as detailed as possible, it should be an easy project for someone who knows what they are doing.

No outragous bids will be accepted. This is a good project for someone looking to get a good review.
Good luck..


Create Html/php Landing Page

Create Html/php Landing Page
Create HTML or PHP landing page[1] for the website

The service does the following:
1. finds customers on twitter matching a search term
2. responds to them via twitter direct message

USE Example:
Restaurant searches for “I’m hungry” near their zip code
responds with a coupon, thus getting a sale

USE Example 2:
twitter user wonders “does anyone know a good web developer”
tweetback search matches “web developer” and know and does
responds with a link to a portfolio site and phone number

LANDING Page Example: (simpler probably makes sense since it’s a simpler product)

I will be accepting multiple low bids, and then will be A/B testing them to see which is the most effective, using google analytics.

**The most effective[2] landing page will get a bonus, and free use of the service for 1 year!**

Additional info:
+ satisfaction guaranteed or your money back
+ feel free to use your experience for the best hooks (like above)
+ should have all expected SEO (I don’t care how you do this, make it in wordpress and save it as html for all I care).

If you are selected, even if you don’t end up being the most effective page, there will be many, many revisions of this trying to get to the most effective page possible, and will likely lead to more work down the line.

1. Description of landing page in detail
2. determined w/ google analytics over the course of approximately 30 days

Php Smarty Expert Only

Php Smarty Expert Only
Hello and thanks for reviewing my project.

I need an expert php person who knows smarty templates fluently.

I need a person to work with me right now via Yahoo message for the next few hours until job is complete. No multi tasking. I am so serious when I say I guarantee that this is harder than it sounds.

If you are not a total 110% smarty php expert Please do not waste my time and yours. I will pay you and leave bad feedback I don’t care. Experts only. I want this job completed without headaches.

The Project:

Work with me over the next 3-4 hours until the job is complete via yahoo messanger and help me switch over from current payment processor to paypal in my shopping cart.

The customer pays …and will hit return to merchant …we need to decode paypals string …take some data from paypal string and do some mathmatics from existing data plus new data and then place into user sql table after payment

The site is already working this way but with a different processor and I can help a lot and show you everything.

Digital Download Site

Digital Download Site
I need my own version of websitebuilder/shopping cart like this:

I can’t just use this because the software is protected by licence and only good for a single site. I want something that can be resold. There are a couple more details to add but I will discuss these during negotiation with the right developer.

Look forward to hearing from programmers with great feedback, solid experience (ideally on some similar projects) and a reliable track record for deadlines.

Finally – I’m not stupid ;o) but I am NOT a programmer. You will need good English and the ability to communicate concepts with somebody non-technical. Hopefully however, the details contained in teh site above will provide you with a clear idea of what is required.

look forward to hearing from you…

Flash Coder Needed

Flash Coder Needed
Hello I need a professional FLASH coder who can program a flash application for me that will be web based and will be a survey but based on options the participants will select from the survey it will create a custom SOLUTION plan for them based on pre defined solutions we have to certain problems if multiple problems are selected it will combine multiple solutions for them and show as the end result…

NOW ALSO I want people to have to enter their name and email address first which will add them to my AWEBER account for my newsletter they can not continue until they have done this first, once they do this as step one they will go through and select their problems and reasons they feel the problems have been caused… once they complete all of this it will generate the solution plan for them based on answers we have in the database to go with specific selected problems…

Every problem that is selected I want it to tell us in a DATABASE the report answers so we can track which problems and which causes were selected the most so we can use for internal marketing purposes THIS INFORMATION WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC we only need a way to view the most selected problems and reasons they think the problem was caused and how many times a problem and believed reason has been selected.

This is a very simple task for a true professional and shouldnt take very long at all to complete I have 4 other widgit projects like this I need created and if you can provide this one professionally and to our satisfaction I will award the other projects to you as well…

I need someone who can be reliable and dedicated and complete this quickly.


ANY BIDS ABOVE OUR BUDGET WILL BE IGNORED… THIS IS A TRIAL PROJECT TO TEST AND FIND A PROFESSIONAL FLASH PROGRAMMER/DESIGNER AND MAKE SURE WE CAN WORK GOOD TOGETHER as well as to test the reliability and professionalism of the coder chosen… once this project is completed successfully we will award other similar projects if we are satisfied with the coder/designers work as we have many more in line we need developed.

Feature Required For Mall

Feature Required For Mall
I am in the process of setting up mall store where different retailers could become sellers on my mall and sell products on our mall store.They have their own admin,payment system web address etc but they all sell under mall main domain.

i want to add a feature in this mall where customers buying product when add to cart then they also see extra button there which says Add to price beater.
This action should only be performed by login customers and registered sellers of mall only.

When customer clicks on this button”Add to price beater” then he is directed to new page where he is given choice to choose days it could be 1, 3,6 or 9 days for which product remains on right column box and we can call it “Can you beat it” box.

Now any one clicking on that box could see all products with actual price and prices which were beaten by different sellers or last price offered could be shown like Lowest price offered so far infront of each product and if clicked then it shows full details of that product .
In details of this page it should also show Beat it button in case some one still wants to offer better price and if you click as logged in seller and press beat it then you should see following Message.

Customer———————wants you to beat price shown.
Customer Location——————— pull customer’s post code from database.
Customer’s country ——————————-pull from database.
Price you offer as final delivered price inclusive all taxes and delivery will be BOX FOR PRICE and a send button.

On sending this message /beating price ,following message is sent to buyer registered email address.

Mall seller —————- has offered to supply you this item at the cost of £——–
Please contact seller at telephone number—————-or email address ————-
or his web address ————–pull from database his ministore’s address.
To discuss it further.
We strongly recommend not to indulge in any cash or direct dealing with this seller and always ask supplier to show this product on this website which is with price offered from where you checkout and pay by scheduled online paying method like paypal etc.

If any one other than logged in mall seller tries to click that button then he should be forced to login and register as seller and show message “Sorry only authorised sellers are allowed to perform this action so please become seller to participate in different activities of this website”

Prices beaten more than last quote or actual price should be rejected.

All price beaters items even put in mini store or main mall items will only show on main index page but they could belong to any shop and this system must be available to all stores which are yet to be created obviously system copies catalog and other folders for each new store and it then becomes a fully working merchant website.

System may check once in a day and update days left for each price beat product and remove which are expired and message sent to buyer to proceed with existing price or latest quote as the situation may be.
Customers desiring to remove their own products from price beat could do so any time even if they allocated 9 days for it but are interested to remove and checkout with existing price or first quote they received even after one hour ,so after this action of removing by buyer product should be reomoved from price beat page.

Any one who is enthusiastic and has command over php should only bid for this project please.