WordPress Theme Creation

WordPress Theme Creation
I need a custom WordPress Template created using the existing site design and layout found at www.foothillsfresh.com. The site is partially a directory listing of local farms and contact information. This is not a blog site but using WP as a CMS.

Requirements for Theme:

Theme must be widgetized. The right sidebar must be widget ready and only displays on the homepage.

Theme must work in IE 6-8, Firefox 2-3, Opera and Safari. Valid XHTML and CSS.

The site should be setup as Pages, as many of the Pages will have static information on them.

On the left sidebar, County, Commodity, Category and all their sub-categories need to be part of WP Business Directory Manager or similar Plugin. Each farm listed would be a Post and needs to be assigned to multiple sub-categories. When you click on the Parent Category from the sidebar the Child links should appear or slide-down as they do now. When you click on the Child link the list of Farms should appear on the page. **Please note you do not have to populate all the sub-categories as I will do this. You just need to make sure the sidebar navigation is working like it does now.

Each Directory Post must have a field for the admin to enter Farm Name, Contact, Telephone, Dates and Time, Directions/Map, Services and Information and Items. WP Business Directory Manager offers the flexibility I’m looking for and could be used to manage the farm Posts however we do not need thumbnail images or a click through to more information. I simply want the list of farms to be viewed as it is now.

A Print Stylesheet needs to be created for the Farm Lists. It should strip out the site graphics but print the list in a nice format.

The Search function will need to be changed to a plugin or widget.

The right sidebar would need to display Upcoming Events and a left sidebar link to Upcoming Events page would need to be added. The Upcoming Events page can simply be a list view.

The homepage should be setup as a page displaying an image and text, just as it is now. No posts need to be displayed on the homepage.

The winning bidder will have access to current site files to build the Theme. The theme becomes our intellectual property, so you can’t use it or sell it, or make it available to download as a free or paid theme – this is because it is unique and we are paying you for the theme creation.

You Must Have:
– Creative design experience
– WordPress expertise including theme development, plug-in integration & CSS
– You must email me samples of themes and WP sites you’ve created. If you do not post previous work I will not contact you.

I have created WP themes and work in WP environment so I will not accept hack work!

Good luck bidding. Thanks.

Auto Blog Script

Auto Blog Script
Please only bid if you can complete this.
I want a script with these settings.
Options to how many post aday to make and how often
Option for how many post per day to ping
Example I post 50 post but only want 6 post pinged per day it will grab 6 post random and ping those to my ping list of muti sites and ignor the rest.
It will not ping the same post twice
Option for content deduper if x amount of lines in the paragraph are the same it will delete the post
Option to grab Rss Feeds it must grab THE WHOLE ARTIcle not just part
Including picture and store it on my server and post to it
Option to grab Articles from ezinearticles,Articledatabase and Goarticles And post those will have options on how many to grab per day.It will keep the resoucre box as is
Option to Grab youtube videos and store on my server and post them on my post with option to rename
Option to use muti keywords to find all the above.
Option to run unlimited WordPress sites keeping each one to its own set of keywords,post etc,sponsors etc
Must be able to handle muti catogories etc
Option for what adsence or sponsor and banners to use or rotate per keyword. they will be place along the sides and at the 1st paragraph break
Option to grab flickr photos and make them into post
Option for how many photos to post and how many txt post
Example 2 photos for every 5 post
Option to grab Amazon and Ebay postings and post them with my sponsor txt
Option to make custom names on everything from ebay to pictures to post,pages etc
Must Not be a server resoucre hog
Option for each new post to have tags based on keywords
Where I can tell it what words to make links and what word links will be going to.
Option for a credit link
Example At bottom of article it grabs from anywhere I can make to veiw it from the source click here at very bottom

Website Updates

Website Updates

I have a classifieds website that need some changes, but I am looking for a php freelancer to make some changes on it and I would like to know a budget on time and money that is going to cost.

Most of the changes are the following:

Change of Css design
Change of video player
Making more user friendly admin website and password protected
Updating Google Analytics and SEO on website
Changing Index page on website
Making that the website is avaible to be on other 7 languages
Updating Banner System
Making more user friendly the online contact profile

Please let me know, the project is schedule to start in 5 days

Data Scraping Tool For Ecomm 2

Data Scraping Tool For Ecomm 2
I have a problem. I want to list my inventory on Amazn but I do not have the UPC codes listed.

I want a web tool that will scrape my website, get the product title names, and search the Amazn database for UPC codes. You must be familiar with Amazn Seller Central. I basically want a web tool that will crawl my site, search for the UPC codes and create an Excel spreadsheet or CSV output file.

I must be able to access this tool on the web so it has to be done in PHP or HTML or similar. Not too particular.

I want this projet done WELL, and I will pay you WELL. You must produce a sample of your work with your bid. Please ask questions if you need clarification.

Company Description Wrting

Company Description Wrting

I need some one to write company description for a corporate site. Note that content is for a corp and not oriented for SEO and pre-selling. Understanding this is very important to write quality content. The content must be unique, but you can grab and rewrite from similar corp web sites. In one word, the content must sound like a business.

The company is doing web development and online marketing. It requires the following content:

1. Why choose us
One or two sentence will be good enough
2. Web Development
— introduction like why you need it, what we do, why we are unique, etc
— technology involved: ASP.NET, MS SQL, PHP, MySQL, Customization like WordPress, Drupal, ShopingCare like osCommerce
— Find similar sites: mindmurge.com and any other corporations providing consulting services
— If you have difficulty let me know, you can provide a half-baked and I will enrich it.
— three subsections
— Data-driven web application
— Static web application
— Customization using WordPress, Drupal, etc
— Place emphasis on services and commitment, you can grab it from other web sites
3 Online Marketing
— introduction like what it is about, why you need it, what we provide, why we are unique, etc — copy from other web sites
— three sub sections
— Search Engine Optimization
— Paid Traffic Generation using PPC, media buy, social networking, article marketing, etc
— Web Analytics and Sales Conversion. Traffic is one aspect, like driving a car, web analytics and improve sales conversion rate is more important

Just give you more hints, when I look at SEO, I found that the following information can fit in the Search Engine Optimization, you may need to rewrite it

Before you bid please understand the requirements here. Thanks for your interest in my project


Looking for 100 approved do follow blog comments form 100 different domain with a HTML link. I will provide an URL and keywords.

coder need to find out the list of blogs and leave a comment related to post with my anchor text.

A report is required with the list of direct link of each link page.

Happy bidding…

WordPress Iframe Integration

WordPress Iframe Integration
We are working on a job board and we need to integrate a Jobamatic iframe into a WordPress site. This can be done either by uploading to the theme files or some other method.

Or we can use Jobamatic API-if you’re already familiar. We prefer the cheaper method.

This is a very simple job. Please bid accordingly. There will also likely be ongoing work if you’re successful.

Script Needed To Post Events

Script Needed To Post Events
I’m looking for script that will allow a manager of a bar/restaurant website that I maintain to be able to login and update event fliers. Currently I’m updating the flier myself and I’d like my client to be able to do it. I’d like the program to upload the fliers similar to how I have them appearing now. Please visit www.jacksbarandgrille.com to see how they look now. There should be 4 thumbnails of each upcoming event flier and when you click on them, they get larger so you can read the details. The end user should also have an expiration date so the event flier disappears after the expiration date. Please see www.jacksbarandgrille.com for an example of what the fliers look like now.

I’ve attached a sample flier to work with. They all should be this size.

Thanks and looking forward to hearing from someone!

Graphic Design/web Design

Graphic Design/web Design
I’m looking for someone to design a print flier for a bar/pizzeria. We’d also like to look into getting a website designed for the bar and possible redesign for the pizzeria. We’re looking for a full face lift, possible re-branding involving some changes in the name of the bar. In the agreement we’d like to have access to all source files so if you’re not comfortable with that please don’t bother bidding. The job will consist of logo design and working with me to come up with a flier that includes specials and possible coupons. This job could lead to future work, I’m looking for someone reliable and willing to work at a decent price.

Js Menu For Wp Installation

Js Menu For Wp Installation
I have a javascript dropdown menu someone made for me and I have a web site that runs on WordPress that needs to have it installed. The person who made the menu for me did not know how or if he could get it on WP.

Before I hire anyone, I need the person to look at the file and make sure it can be put on WP, or at least on my site in some manner.

Serious bids only, please.

Magento Extension Install

Magento Extension Install
For this project I need a one page checkout extension installed. This is the extension we would like installed http://www.onestepcheckout.com/product/

This is to be installed on the site stealthguards.com We are using a custom template. Please make sure you are confident you can install the extension with this custom template before bidding. We also have affiliate program tracking installed on the success page of the checkout we will need the code to be installed on the new success checkout page.

Second we need the contact us on the top bar to link to http://www.stealthguards.com/index.php/Contact-Us/ instead of http://www.stealthguards.com/index.php/contacts/

Lastly we need the background color changed from white to a grey.

We would like to have this project done asap. If you are confident you can complete all these items please bid. Thanks

WordPress Mu Plugin Mod

WordPress Mu Plugin Mod
Hello I have currently a plugin for wordpress MU that allows me to take an existing blog in my WPMU Admin account and cone it to put on new users accounts. However this plugin is limited and does not clone the blog completely.

It pulls pages, post, categories, content but DOES NOT activate the Plugins and do settings…

I need this to be added to the process.

Before I provide the plugin to look at you must show me that you have proven experience with WPMU – WordPress plugins etc.

Please don’t waste your time if you bid with no references of WP work completed.

Plugin is attached to this project.

Happy Bidding;

Pligg Mysql And Errors

Pligg Mysql And Errors
Hi, my site was working perfectly when i decided to buy a new pligg template with new modules, then my hosting sent me an email saying:

“The script you ran to clear a cache table in your database has caused a massive overload on the server initiating huge number of MySQL queries:

| 7545598 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new | 600 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |
| 7545660 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new | 596 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |
| 7545681 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new | 594 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |
| 7545730 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new | 591 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |
| 7545739 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new | 590 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |
| 7545774 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new | 587 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |
| 7545777 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new 587 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |
| 7545784 | choowawa_new | localhost | choowawa_new | 585 | removing tmp table | INSERT INTO pligg_tag_cache select tag_words, count(*) as count FROM pligg_tags, pligg_links WHERE t |

These are part of the queries.

You should contact an expert local web developer before you execute the same action. The load caused from your account was over 120 and on 4 QUAD core CPUs and 12GB or ram machine this means that there should be a malfunctioned script on your website. Please request from your developer to download your website scripts and create dump of your database and to optimize it.”

Now with this, I decided to just ask my hosting to reupload my old files, which meant losing some (not all) of the current database, members etc…

What I want the programmer/developer to accomplish is to bring back the lost member registrations and news using the most current backup file that i have. Is this possible?