Music Chart Module

Music Chart Module

Hi, I run a music website and I am looking for a modules or anything really that I can display anywhere I want it too. It’ll most likely be used on an article page.

I am looking for a module which can show a ranking system of the most viewed songs. I have included an attachment which shows basically what I need it to look like or similar. It must match the theme of my site which I can provide if you want. This feature should show how many positions the song has moved.

The very last thing I want is too make it so, when you have your cursor on an song title, that area of block highlights… please check attachment for clear explanation, you will see it highlighted

Also this feature must include a novelty hit count option, for example, it will only show songs that had the most hits over the last 24 hrs and the time I want it must be adjustable.

The categories and song titles must be linkable.

Also I would like this module to include options so that it is easy for me in the future to adjust the settings. Options should include… how many songs I would like to show on the chart, what sections I would like it to show only, and the novelty date of the songs hit count.

I would like to be automatically fit into my page or maybe have an option where I can insert the size I would like it to be.

I would like to also have a feature which has a “view more top 100” list kind of thing, and that must also be linked to a page of my want. It must show those headings in the attachment i have included.

This is for a Joomla site.

Website Design For Ratings

Website Design For Ratings
I am looking for a website to be designed that will allow people to rate and write about their experience with something.

For example. Lawyers. People could log onto the website, write a review about a lawyer they dealt with and rate them 1 – 5 stars. This will allow people when wanting to deal with a lawyer to go to the website and see who is good.

I am not a computer guy so the ability to make changes and edit reviews must be easy so that I can do it any time without knowing HTML.

homestars dot com is a great example of what I am looking for. Although I don’t have as many categories, I would want countries to be a choice. As well I would want the ability to have good companies show up on a search based on rank as well as my ability to manipulate this rank should someone want to pay and have their information come up first. Again, similar to what homestars does.

Please have a look at the way homestars operates and in quoting please consider this website as something very similar to what I am looking for. Think instead of home renovation companies, Lawyers. A couple of possibilities (criminal, family, etc) and area’s where they practice.

Once hired I will disclose my full idea to the person, but again it is close to the idea of Lawyers.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or clarification you need.


Php Applicatoin Development

Php Applicatoin Development
We are looking to build a new application the features will include

1) member sign up

2) member communication feature, simliar to SL or other where users can email other members internally.

3) Order products, internal ability for members to order up to 5 unique products.

This will be built in php/mysql

Please send samples of your work , we will provide full RFP to those who we are interested in selecting.

Simple Php Insert & Login

Simple Php Insert & Login

I need someone to work with me right now via yahoo messanger and make this page work. 2-3 hours job I am certain.

No multi tasking!!!!!!! Please, I need full attention and let’s complete this project quick and no headache. It is very simple for an expert.

then once that page is working 100% …then they have to be able to login

and once they login …we only show them certain links ..depends on thier sql data what links we show them …

Clickable Msa Map

Clickable Msa Map

This project is for work done to an MSA map like this:

1) Divide the map up in individual state files. If an MSA goes over the state line, include the whole MSA with the state.

2) Make each Metro- and Micropolitan Statistical Area clickable with a hyperlink.

3) Make sure that the hyperlink name matches the database. I will provide all the data to connect to the link.

I am open to how you want to code this if you would prefer to use flash. This will be used on a Joomla site, but I can use a wrapper for it.

A Job Site With A Difference

A Job Site With A Difference

I am looking for someone to build an Advanced Job Site with powerful, yet dynamic search capabilities.

The most important factor here is, the site will have 3 Types of Users 1) Job Seekers 2) Employers 3)Universities. Information is exchanged/Matched dynamically between these 3 Types.

We will have to pre-load the database of all US Universities (To make their registration simple..Check experiencedotcom)

The site will also have a payment gateway like (Paypal is an option only)


I would also need the front end design..I do not have much time, if you have already built a job board; the changes that I ask for are pretty simple.


WordPress Manual Post Inserts

WordPress Manual Post Inserts
I have a java program which i want to use to automatically insert data into a wordpress database. I don’t know the wordpress structure that well and i’m having difficulty getting this done.

I need a series of sql statements to insert into the database and get the correct tags,category relationships etc right.
You don’t need to do any programming i just need to know the sql statements/examples to insert the data…

The data i want to insert is a post and it has a custom field called

i need this done fast so first come first serve….

Osc Website Clone 2

Osc Website Clone 2
Dear Programmers,

I want to clone

Developer or company should b deliver complete exact clone of included all features of current website.

Developer or company should b use new version of oscommerce.

Design already completed, you only need to integrate design with osc.

Please check reference site carefully and bid on it. Low bid and high quality to b preferred.


WordPress Paste Issue

WordPress Paste Issue
I have multiple users coming to my wordpress site and posting.

I need to set up the text editor in wordpress so that when text is copied from the text editor and pasted at another location, it won’t add extra spaces between the lines.

Also if text contains the “at” sign I would prefer that the editor doesn’t automatically format it as a link.

This needs to be default behavior.

Favorite Youtube Video

Favorite Youtube Video


Well, Well, as a lot you know, Good ole Youtube has yet made a stupid Update again that halts some of our programs from working again. They have implemented the new Video Page with the New Thumb up Thumb Down Ratings System.

I run one of the biggest Youtube Optimization Services so I am needing to give Ratings and Favorites every single day.

Now giving Ratings is no problem at all, what the problem is, is giving the favorites now.

I currently use a program that I have made that rates and favorites videos for me and it using the Webbrowser Control.

The button you click on to Favorite a Video is the “Save To” button and once you click on you can’t even highlight Favorite.

Here is the html code where that button is on the Youtube Video page:
<button id=”watch-playlists-button” class=”yt-uix-button yt-uix-tooltip” data-button-action=”” title=”Save to favorites or playlist” onclick=”; return false;” type=”button”>

The Button Id is what I use to invoke the click but then what in the world do I do to get the Favorite Menu Item clicked.

Main thing to remember is that I need that code for the Webbrowser Control.

I need this fast and quick as possible I have order needing to be made and all I need is the 1 simple code to click the favorite on the Video page.

For example to rate a video all it is, is just 1 line of code,

Dim button As Button = DirectCast(Me.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById(“watch-like”).InvokeMember(“click”), Button)

Simple as that, to rate but the problem is I can’t figure out how to favorite now because of the update.

Thanks alot

Js Image Rotating Function

Js Image Rotating Function

Please refer to attached image. I need a specific script to be applied to this page. Please read below in detail:

1) Upon user clicking on small thumbnail in the scroller on top, the large image should appear in a fading effect.

2) After the image “fade in” effect completes, roughly 1-2 seconds later the transparent background you see to the right of the image should slide in from the right.

3) Once the transparent background has slided in, have the text fade in.

4) Upon clicking another thumbnail from the scroller, the current image + trans. background + text should all fade out at once before the animation starts over again.

The image is from a DEV site and HTML/Images are all ready designed. The scroller is also already in working condition. Your code will need to be implemented within our existing work and it must be fully compatible with our existing code & and major browsers (MAC & PC, IE, FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc.) I will provide the current files you need to get this going.


Changing Resize In Flash File

Changing Resize In Flash File

Hello, i have bought a template from activeden (AS2 XML Elegant Portfolio Template 26550). Its a website with a gallery, where all pictures are loaded through an xml file.
Now i have inserted instead of pictures swf-files with animations.
The problem is the resizing of the loaded flash files. Its should be scaled proportionally with the browser size. But it donĀ“t work properly.

Hope someone could fix this.

Regards, Chris

Flash Video Fix & Podcast Play

Flash Video Fix & Podcast Play

A Flash video with XML file loading content has been created. The player plays the content fine.
The problem is that the player does not autoplay when the page is loaded and that the thumbnails of the clips for the different episodes do not appear in the container boxes made for them beneath the player.
I have all the source files and content.
Please see the problem first hand here:

I also need a simple podcast player integrated into the same page. I have the .psd file with elements. The feeds have been created, the player will need to be able to play different episodes and there should be a download link to download the mp3 and a link to send to a friend.

Please see example image attached.

Web Crawler Bot

Web Crawler Bot
I need a webservice that will return domain tld the below info:
…Domain name
…Expiray Date
…IP Address

This is webcrawler when called will read mysql table for its domains

This webcrawler need to use a conifg file that will tell it what tld to search and return information on (.i.e. .am , .cz, .fr etc etc.)

This is webcrawler will write the domain information into a mysql table

This is webcrawler will log error to a log file

This is webcrawler needs to process 1 to 1000 domains at one time