Virtual Assitant Required – 20 Hours Per Week by diza

I am looking for a virtual assistant to help me on a day-to-day basis, I will require someone who can work Monday – Friday. I am based in the UK so you must be able to work hours that are in-line with UK time… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Internet Marketing, Link Building, SEO, Social Networking, Virtual Assistant)

Finalizing Your Fridays

The week is coming to a close…only a few hours left.  You’re either madly rushing to get the things done you set out to do this week, or are in the midst of planning what you’d like to accomplish next week.  (Or perhaps you’re doing both.)

Not everyone finishes up their work week on a Friday, but a lot of people do.  Well, in theory they do.  They do in that they leave what’s left from the past week and slide it over to the next.  And the next.  And so on.

How many things are left as “open loops” on your to-do list when Friday draws to a close?  How many tasks are left unassigned?  Are you leaving this week with a sense of completion and ready to go into the next week with a fresh set of goals and accomplishments to achieve?

Do you “finalize” your Fridays?

VB.Net Silverlight 3 Skeleton Application by bilious

I require a skeleton Silverlight application with a dashboard, two basic forms, a couple of datagrids, and a chart, to be developed quickly so that I can use it as an accelerator to build a web based proof of concept for my existing winforms application… (Budget: $750-1500, Jobs: .NET, Silverlight, Visual Basic)

10,000 Facebook comments and 10,000 facebook friends (Lucky) by tony213

We want to use Facebook profiles to promote a movie trailer on YouTube (We want real people to watch it in a given zip code) We are looking for a team of professionals who can send mass personal comments via Facebook DAILY to our selected target market… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Advertising, Branding, Bulk Marketing, Marketing, YouTube)