Re Vamp Excell Doc

I have afree excel spreadsheet that is used for real estate calculations. Unforunately it’s buggy. If I open a NEW copy of it, it works fine. However if I try to insert a new sheet and have several tabs of the same calculator for different properties, certain calculations become incorrect.

Please take a look at the spreadsheet. I’ve attached two: The 10-year-analyzer seems to work fine … the other does not. (the one that has tabs, “school, pleasant, etc.” — try changing management to 2% from 8% for example and then scroll down to the table where annual data is and you’ll see it doesnt change.

I’d like this sheet to be made with formulas that I can see. Also, please lock the formulas and make ONLY the items shaded in yellow editable and make all blank cells editable. PLEASE DOUBLE TRIPLE QUADRUPLE CHECK your work. decisions involving thousands of dollars will be made using the data from this calculator.

Light Design – eCommerce – Eye Candy by rvguy101

We are in need of a simple creative designer whom can make little things on their own without our direction. Small promo ads, banner ads, and create a footer for our store that is similiar to this… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Banner Design, Format & Layout, Shopping Carts, Website Design, Zen Cart)

French Translater/Writer needed by gamblingonline

Nous recherchons un rédacteur/traducteur français pour un travail à temps partiel (sur une base continue) pour une société traitant de sujets sur la santé et les produits pharmaceutiques. Exigences: Doit être disponible sur Internet régulièrement… (Budget: $250-750, Jobs: Article Rewriting, Articles, Product Descriptions, Translation)

Os Commerce Contribution 2

An Os commerce contribution needs to be extracted from a full script.

You just have to use a file comparison tool to find the differences, extract them and build a contribution package (with files to replace and a how-to-do-file that explaines which files to upload, which code to add/replace).

(The contribution was programmed for us and is not available at the OSC contribution download site).

Since SL needs too many days to cancel escrows again, when a programmer did not meet our requirements – you will paid in full after delivery and 2 days of testing ($30 extra bonus if you deliver within 24 hours).

Designing Companylogo

For a starting company I need a logo.

business: text and communicationcompany
customers: variouse: management and organisationcompanys (as in Randstad). administration. artists. landscapedevelopment.

logoname: Treffwoord (means ‘catchword’)
subscript: tekst & advies (means (text and advise)

expressionof the logo: clear, sparkling, girlpower, to the point, seriouse, simple, fresh, personal.
criteria logo: color must fit with portretcolors (see attachment Portret Yvette.jpg, color of eyes blue/green). for style-example see attached logo. (sample4.jpg)

Data Entry + Seo

I expect bids from SEO experts from India.
I am launching a Social Networking website ( ) for all south asians.

For this social network, We want to create Groups(mostly for Indians, but some for south asians) based on various criteria such as place (country, state, city), language, religion, age, education, culture and other popular subjects/topics

We are expecting bids from SEO experts from India, who can come up with 1000 popular Group Names, which have potential to form a Interest Group in a Social Networking environment for south asians.

1. 1000 popular Group Names, each must has potential to form as an Interest group
2. Couple of lines (250 characters including spaces) of SEO description for each group
3. Relevant SEO keywords (5-10) for each each group (article writers will use them)
4. Groups need to be created at using above 1 & 2 info (login access will be provided) .
5. Upload relavent image for each group (each uploaded image must be free from any copyright issues).


1. Group Names need to be highly popular and has potential to form as an interest group.
2. Group Names, description & keywords need be derived based on Indian keywords analysis/expertise
3. Group Names & Desc should have good chances of ranking better for popular Indian keywords.

1. Job should be delivered in 2 to 3 weeks (4 mile stones:250 Groups per milestone)
2. We need to approve group names, desc & keywords, before creating groups at,
3. We keep the right to cancel the job at any time, if the deliverables are not derived based on SEM/SEO expertise.
4. Need to clarify, if we have any questions on your deliverables ..

Our budget – $40 to $50