Seo And Interneting Marketing Project

Have a need for an ongoing individual to manage campaign. Must be extremely knowledgeable as to onsite optimization, PPC, very familiar with Google Maps and local ads and facebook. Please only respond if you have excellent reviews. Will be upfront payment to set up campaign (many sites in different locations but all have same key search terms) and then a monthly amount to manage.

PM for more info.

Magento Programmer Needed

Hi, we have a few small issues with our Magento store, we have been modifying some css etc, and have not noticed until today that the onepage checkout is not quite aligned correct on page, please see

So we need that fixed, should only be a 10min job for a good developer.

We also want a price for the following works.

1. Install Fooman Speedster Extension and make working with Canonical URLS

2. On categories admin, I need another image upload box for each category so that I can upload a category thumbnail, as because I have added easy catalog image extension to show thumbnails like, this is ok, but on the actual sub-category page it shows that image, when I might want to add a bigger image for a different look,

3. Is it possible to add a selector to the meta title and meta description so that if nothing found in record for a product to say the following:
Title tag: {Product Name} | Buy Now For Only £{Product Price} | Category |
Meta Desc: Buy {Product Name} from Hampshire Baits, Secure Online Ordering, Fast Delivery. Call 0845 528 0042.

4. Would like thickbox installed or something similar that will work with site to allow me to open popup windows to show information.

Please quote seperately for each job and also for them all.



Quick Fix Errors On The Site

This is a quick & easy project if you know what you are doing. This is a live site therefore we need the errors fix right away (maximum within 1 hour). Please only bid if you are able to meet the timeline.


Please see following link:

In above link we want the left side menu area to be replaced with the left side menu area of the following page:

Once done replacing the left menu, we then need that first link/page ( to appear instead of the following link:

Left menu will also be replace on the following link:


similarly we also need the following done.

Please also see following link:

We need the left side menu of the above link to be replaced with the left side menu of the following link:

Here we may eliminate the scrolling menu on the left with just one button.

Once done we will then want that button to be connected to the following link:

Logo Design & Branding


I’m looking for a good quality logo to use on a new website, the details & name will be provided later.

The logo must be professional, original and upon completion all copyrights of the logo must be owned by me.

Please bid with your project fee to complete the logo, along with your estimated time to complete the project. If you have any logo that you did, please send it to me so i can see your style and work quality.

Seo Website Content Writing

Professional writer to create text content using SEO strategy, for three pages of our website.

We need texts for HOME PAGE and ABOUT US And Buy Cars in London.

Our requirements:
1. Each page must have 3 keywords. 2% keyword density first keyword and 1% the second and 0.5% for the third
2. Each page must have between 700 and 900 words
3. The text must follow the same style used on our website
4. The text on home page must convince clients to sell their car to us
5. You must create 5 reasons in bullet point, why clients should sell their car to us


Re-listed Project For Long Term Article Writer

I do apologize to all who submitted their bid for this project, I accidentally deleted it. Please resubmit your bids for consideration. Thanks! Here is it again: I need article writers for a bimonthly newsletter to begin with. This will become weekly to 2 times a week newsletter in the future. my website is to give you an idea.