Month Error Checking

The files must be named as below: (driver program) (Date class file)

Overall Requirements

Create a class named Date that stores date values and prints out the date in either a pure numeric format or a name and number format (see sample session for format details). class file

· Date objects should store the date in two int instance variables – day and month, and it should include the String instance variable, error, initialized with null.

Implement a 1-parameter Date constructor that receives a dateStr string parameter and performs complete error checking on the given dateStr value. The Date constructor is the entity that’s responsible for date error checking. That way, if a Date object is instantiated and if there are no errors, then you’re guaranteed that the Date object holds a legitimate date value. If any kind of error occurs, change the value of the error instance variable to a non-null string value, using an appropriate concatenation of a string constant, input substring, and/or API exception message.
Constructors use the same exception handling rules as methods: In a try block, include the parsing of the month and day substrings and other error-checking logic that will not work if parsing fails.
· Take into account the actual number of days in each month, but assume that there are always 28 days in February.

· To extract day and month numbers from the given date string, use String’s indexOf method to find the location of the slash character, and String’s substring method to extract month and day substrings from the input string.

· Include a method for printing the date with a numeric format. Use the zero-pad flag in a printf method call to get exactly two digits for each month and day.

· Include a method for printing the date with an alphabetic format.

Include a getError method which returns the value of the error instance variable. class file

In your driver class, include a loop that repeatedly:

· Asks the user to enter a date or “q” to quit.

· If the entry is not “q”, instantiate a Date object.

· If the error variable is null:

o Print the date using numeric format.

o Print the date using alphabetic format.

Otherwise, print the value of the error variable.

Sample Session:

Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 5/2
May 2
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 05/02
May 2
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 52
Invalid date format – 52
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 5.0/2
Invalid format – For input string: “5.0”
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 13/2
Invalid month – 13
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 2/x
Invalid format – For input string: “x”
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 2/30
Invalid day – 30
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 2/28
February 28
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): q

Search Engine Optimization Seo

I am looking to optimize site using WP CMS for SEO, and search engines submission to a Web Solution website. Key ideas needed is:

1. seo plugins with meta description and tags per page
2. keyword optimization for select pages
3. Search engine submission
4. Directory and article submission

Please provide me with a detailed information on the process of the SEO that you will implement.



Iphone And Android App

We are looking for someone to develop an app with a light version and a full featured version for the iphone and the same app for Android OS.

The app will be a SMS program that will have the ability to send the same SMS to the same number multiple times in short succession.

We are looking to have this completed in 2 to 3 weeks. Please print, sign, and upload the NDA for further details on the project.


*** Please read project requirements before you bid or send PM *** I am accepting MOCKUPS ONLY. Then I will choose a winner. The logo is for a website called, “Strip Tips” – It is a website that will offer tips to strippers (dancers) along with many other features… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Concept Design, Graphic Design, Illustrator, Logo Design, Photoshop)