Fast File Upload And Download Service Website

i wanna a team to develop a site that allows the user to upload the file to various file hosting sites like,,, with very high speed.

means it shld provide a user interface that makes server to server shld use the speed of the server like 1GBps.

also is the same with downloads.users within the site shld be able to download at high speeds.
the site shld allow to upload only one or two files with maximum size of 50mb at high speed at the index page for each unique ip address.if tried again for free then shld be the premium page appear with waiting time of 30 minutes.and inorder to get more files uploaded the user shld open premium account.each premium shld be charged 10$/mth in which the users shld be given a limitation of using 500gb bandwidth and maximum filesize is accrding to the file hosting service sites.

the user if wants more bandwidth shld add more packages.
also the premium users shld have the ability to upload the same file to multiple sites simultaneously.

i shall explain more.

Site Blog

I want to develop a blog site thru wordpress it will have sections i want to have an rss feed twitter logo feed

also, I’m going to be attaching the layout that I want . Please send me past blog that you have created thank you

i want the blog layout to follow the layout of this site :

Starting A Buisness

I’m in need of a writer to create a detailed business plan for a commercial/ residential pressure washing company that also does detailed cleaning for marble, hard wood and tile flooring.
I will need this done in Standard English and if you have other business plans that you have completed I would appreciate if these items could be sent to me.
Thank you

Gallery Needs Some Updates

i have a gallery page with a dropdown to select gallery, i want this changed so each gallery has a thumbnail instead to select, then 2 columns changed to 3 in the galleries page – settings for these need to be editable in admin (maybe Gallery Settings page)

in admin, i need a filter to filter each gallery when editing,sort order, pagination setting to change front end amount (Gallery Settings page), a sort order to manage what positions they display in (simple up/down arrows maybe)
galleryname to be a dropdown to be able to move images

couple of changes>remove image name and photo description change to caption

Wroupon Launch

I need a new site with wroupon (see installed.
Urgency is required so excellent job done very quickly… whats new!

My requirements :

1. you have to buy a wroupon V3 license (please calculate this in your bid)
2. you have to create a new design
3. you have to install and config the software on my webhost
4. you have to make it ready to run
5. must be fully functional with iphone,(mobiles), for website
6. must be fully functional with iphone,(mobiles), voucher send option

I will upload the escrow of the project in 3 milestones.
– first milestone before at the project start – 33% of bid
– second escrow after point 3 is done – 33% of bid
– third escrow after points 5&6 are done and tested fully functional
ALL escrows will be release 2 weeks after the site is online and works.
Probable ongoing support required at additional fee.
If you don’t agree to this terms, don’t bid.

Compile Latest Mplayer With Multithreading Support


– I need someone that has deep knowledge on mplayer.

– Download the latest mplayer.

and compile it with multithreading support.

– If it works you should see more than two processors working – when testing a movie.

– The command to use is: mplayer -lavdopts threads=%number-of-cpus% test-movie.mp4

– Then i need instructions on how you did it so i can re-trace the steps on my linux box.

Many thanks for help,

Best regards,

Data Entry Positions

Working Solutions was created in 1996, to provide more legitimate work-at-home opportunities for those caring for family members, looking for supplemental income, and wanting or needing to work from home. What started as a very small in-house operation has grown steadily and solidly ever since. The Working Solutions process is very similar to that of a bricks and mortar temporary agency, but our agent workforce is made up of highly qualified independent contractors who work solely from their homes. We partner with clients from many different lines of business, providing them with a very capable and flexible supplemental workforce, as well as a talented project management team. Rest assured, Working Solutions Agents are NEVER CHARGED ANY FEES to apply or work with.

Html5 Replica Of Existing Website

I need an HTML5 version of this site (it will look very similar):

a) All design will be supplied in Photoshop PSD’s
b) Imagine you were developing this site in Flash… now do it in HTML5! Flash cannot be used as the site must support iPads.
c) HTML transitions must be smooth. All fades, wipes, etc. must look
really good as if they were in Flash.
d) This is a directors / photographers gallery site so it MUST look really sharp.

Fast turn around need for this project with best bids.


Design A Template For Our Site

I need a website design in html/css for our software company.We need a professional template.We have our company design already but need a new one.will provide the header so that you can customize and use it in the new site with the same color combination.Need to show 3 variations of psd and will choose one and need to slice it.Copy right for the template will be ours.

Please bid with reference links of company websites.

Very Simple Copy A Site Project



Have a site that i would like copied and put into

a different domain name…

exactly the same nothing needs to be changed

This should not take more then an 1 hour of work…

Here is what the project includes:

1) Copy Site over to new domain
2) Connect with Aweber
3) Collect Payment

1) Daily communication via skype or email
2) Fluent English
3) Takes directions well
4) Creates reports on project management everyday
5) Can work with wordpress websites
6) Puts in “2gts” in the messages( If you dont you wont be picked)
7) Show your 3 or 4 latest works in wordpress ( dont need all of your work)

Thank You