Craigslist Html Ad Coding & Hosting Images


I need this easy project done within 24 hours of awarding you the project! I will pay you $40.00 if you have it done to MY final approval within 24 hours.

Please DON’T bid if you can’t for sure get it all done in 24 hours or less.

If you can get this all done within 12 hours of being awarded the project I will pay you $45.00.

If you can get this all done within 8 hours of being awarded the project I will pay you $50.00.

Time starts the minute you get awarded the project on SL, plus have the two PSD files that I will email you and web host access.



P.S. Only freelancers with several positive reviews will be considered!

Clone This Simple Contractor Site

I have the domain name and hosting. I need a clone that will work and look just like

Obviously i have a few changes i want made like the company name, address and phone numbers and emails, but for the most part it will operate just like it and look like it with all the same WORDING.

Please only bid if you have gone to and see how it works and know 100% that you can do this project!

This should be an easy project because this site does not have many pages at all. I need this site completed in no more than 2 days.

Thank you,

Automatic Article Poster


I’m looking for someone to create an application that will scrape the web for an article related to a niche specified and automatically run it through an article spinner. The article should then outputted and be able to add a keyword specified along with the url to the article along with an image url posted somewhere in the the article. After this has been done it would then need to login to a wordpress site and add the article to the simple membership dashboard and submit the article. I would need to be able to specify the number of articles that I want posted.

New Website/blog Creation

I need someone to build me a clean, sharp looking web site/blog interface. It will be about 10-12 pages in all. I’d like my blog to partially appear on the home page, then have users click below to expand and take them to the full post.

I will need a products page/area that I am able to edit myself. I will send examples of websites that I would like to pattern after. Simplicity and ease of use is really what I’m looking for the overall site. I don’t need anything complex or flashy at this time. I will request samples of your previous work, whoever takes the job. I really need someone who is accurate, dependable and has common sense. My last website designer took half of the agreed price and vanished into thin air.

I would like samples in a couple of days so we can agree on set price. I want to pay half up front and half when the job is done. I want the site built in a week (7 days) and everything up and running. Please contact me if interested or if you have any questions. Thanks.


P.S. Would like to be able to communicate with this person by phone as well as e-mail.

Website And Php Development

We are looking to have a website created that will serve appointment based businesses such as doctors. A general overview of the site is as follows;
The business will visit our site, view our front page, decided he wants to register after registration they can then login which will take them to an area with a monthly calendar in which each day on that calendar is selectable when a day is clicked they will be taken to a daily calendar based on their hours of operation broke down to 15 min intervals. Each hour of their operating hours should be able to be broke down according to how they select in the profile when one of the intervals is selected they should be prompted to either select a client or type a new clients info in Such as name, cell number, email address, cell carrier, and a tick box for email and or sms alert.
Then according to selected time intervals in their profile the site will send a text message to their client reminding them of their appointment, which would obviously run on a cron.
Now for the details;
1. Registration Page
a. Company Name – also used for username
b. Password
c. Contact Info
d. Package/Pricing Choice
e. Business Details – Hours of operation etc.
f. Payment for package they choose.
g. Promotion Code
2. Business Backend
a. Opens to monthly calendar
i. Needs to be able to advance to future months/years etc.
ii. Needs to be searchable per that businesses account to quickly find their client so they can change or cancel appointments
iii. When a date is clicked on opens to a daily calendar within the business hours of operation.
iv. Daily calendar should be editable in time intervals (15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour etc.)
v. When business clicks a time in daily calendar they will be able to start typing a name and have others pop up like an auto complete or type a new client and their info.
vi. Business should be able to click email and or sms as an alert.
vii. When selecting a carrier for the time being will sms by sending an email for instance cellnumber AT for Verizon and the same for other carriers.
viii. Would prefer for the email/sms to come from the business name or at least the businessname AT
b. Profile Area
i. Change Contact Details

ii. Change Password
iii. Change Business Details
iv. Set Intervals when to send email/sms such as 2 hours before appointment up to 48 hours.
v. View our predefined outgoing message and or change it to their personalized message.
vi. A button to cancel their account, and end paypal subscription billing.
3. Admin Area
a. Payments
i. We would need to implement paypal payments, and paypals credit card system into the code for completing payments.
b. Packages/Pricing
i. We need to be able to create, delete, edit packages, such as how many emails, and or sms they are allowed per month from the package.
c. Promotions
i. We would like to be able to create promos to allow for half of months, double your email/sms etc.
d. Our Clients and Management
i. We should be able to create, edit, delete, as well as suspend our clients.
ii. Send our clients who sign up with us individual emails as well as bulk emails to them all.
iii. Send the clients monthly stats as to how many alerts were sent (email should be editable to make a nice template email)
4. Website Design
a. We would like to have the site designed as well with a nice simplistic web 2.0 type look maybe some ajax to make everything flow nicely especially in the calendar.
b. Colors would be medical like colors to make the user feel safe. Something really easy on the eyes, that flows great and feels good. Maybe darker blues greens white etc mock ups are great.
c. Pci-compliant
d. Examples of some layouts I like;
Future work will most certainly come to the person we choose for the job for implementing more into the code.

Real-time Twitter Type Development Based On Actions

This site is a marketplace site that works like Kijiji. I have a user who is developing the main timeline where postings by different ads are posted by users in a Twitter timeline type of layout.

I need help developing the dashboard. Where user can control their postings, edit them, edit their profile. You will not be developing the whole project, but will be helping the developer. Please message me for details and I will be able to explain more about the project.

I also will be looking to develop an iPhone app along with this project so please contact me if you have experience with using the web services from a website and incorporating in an app.

Html Website Converted To WordPress

I need some to convert an existing html website ( over to a wordpress blog. The existing website is an softcore adult DVD sales website, I have about 25 active titles, but have things coming and going all the time. Basically what I envision, and feel free to correct my ideas, I have several “series” of DVDs, each with its own website, and then all of them discussed on the main website. I would like to follow this, but first thing is first, and that is to work out the main website.


Current website is out of date and style.
Current website is html and swf. No source code for swf files
Several images are available, More can be created if needed.
There are links to several downloadable movie samples, or samples that play in a window.

New design should:

1) Be cleaner and more of a sales tool (I feel the current design with it’s dark colors is hard to read, and hurts sales.
2) The format I used to have was similar to Light and fluffy, plain and simple, tell them what you have, hit them with the sales pitch.. Upsell, cross sell etc.
3) I envision 1 page for each “series” of video/dvd tapes Each series has approx 3-4 DVDs.
4) Links to shopping cart are done through I can provide all the links but its probably better if I install the proper links to the proper DVD myself (lots of similar titles).
5) WP is currently hosted on
6) Should have plugins installed to interface with twitter, Facebook, and any other social media site.
7) the testimonials are important, as is the one on one interaction I have on the website.
8) I will probably enter new posts once or twice a month, and new videos to my video lines about 3 times a year

Sandvox hits Mac App Store, on sale for limited time

We reviewed Sandvox earlier this year, the handy WYSIWYG web editor from Karelia Software. Those looking for very Mac-friendly web design software that requires no coding (or even an iWeb replacement) ought to consider Sandvox. The time is right, too, as version 2.1.10 is in the Mac App Store at a special price (aren’t holiday sales great?).

Typically priced at US$67, you can now grab a copy of the latest version for $49. Version 2.1.10 offers a few new features, like a new Blueprint design and a revamped SFTP publishing system which includes WebDAV subsystems.

In our review, we pointed out the Objects Menu (introduced with version 2.0) which lets you add all manner of useful objects to your site, like a text box, raw HTML, Flickr thumbnails, Twitter tools, IM status, RSS tools and more. Again, no coding is required and the results look great.

Consider a purchase if you’re looking for a Mac-friendly web editor at a bargain price.

Sandvox hits Mac App Store, on sale for limited time originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 23:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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DirecTV adds live video streaming on iPad

The DirecTV app for iPad got a significant bump in capabilities today by adding live streaming to giving you essentially a portable TV you can take to any room of your house.

You have to be on the same network as your DirecTV receiver, and not all channels are available. I’m not seeing the pay movie channels, or the local channels, which are all a matter of rights with the owners of those channels. I counted 38 available channels for streaming, including CNN, Fox News, National Geographic, FX, History Channel, Discovery and many more. You can watch the video in a window hovering over the program guide, or watch full screen.

With my multiple tuner DVR I could be watching one channel on the iPad while someone else could be watching another channel on that same receiver, which is pretty handy.

This new update also allows you to change start and end times of a recording if you think a program time needs adjusting. The app has also added an option to set parental controls on your receiver from the iPad.

Other TV providers, notably Comcast, have been working on streaming live TV to the iPad. The app is free and requires iOS 4.2 or later.

Go get it. It’s a worthwhile update.

DirecTV adds live video streaming on iPad originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 22:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Jon Stewart interviews Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson

Walter Isaacson recently appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to promote his biography of Steve Jobs. In the seven-minute interview (embedded below), Stewart and Isaacson discuss the the process of writing the biography while trying to stay objective about its subject — a task Isaacson admits was difficult, especially in the face of Jobs’s long illness.

The two men discuss something I also found fascinating about Jobs when I read the book: his extremely emotional nature.

Stewart: The really interesting thing in the book is how often Steve Jobs cries.

Isaacson: He’s a very emotional person. That was the biggest surprise to me.

Stewart: He is a weeper.

They go on a bit of a tangent after that, but eventually Isaacson gets to the core of both Jobs himself and public opinion of him. “He connected emotion to technology. This is why the outpouring of grief at his death was beyond what most may have expected,” Isaacson says. “I think that emotionalism came from a deep passion for artistic things.”

The real gem of the interview comes at the end, when Isaacson describes the difference between Jobs and Bill Gates. “In the end, [Bill Gates] makes the Zune and Steve makes the iPod.”

Stewart busts out laughing, along with the audience, and responds, “That is the best eulogy I have ever heard in my life.”

The full video’s embedded below (sorry iOS users, Comedy Central doesn’t offer a non-Flash version and there’s nothing we can do about it), and it’s definitely worth watching. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive review of the biography itself, we just happen to have one right here at TUAW.

Jon Stewart interviews Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Daily Update for October 26, 2011

It’s the TUAW Daily Update, your source for Apple news in a convenient audio format. You’ll get all the top Apple stories of the day in three to five minutes for a quick review of what’s happening in the Apple world.

You can listen to today’s Apple stories by clicking the inline player (requires Flash) or the non-Flash link below. To subscribe to the podcast for daily listening through iTunes, click here.

No Flash? Click here to listen.

Daily Update for October 26, 2011 originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 21:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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You’re the Pundit: Do you need a landline?

When it comes to forecasting the next big thing, we turn to our secret weapon: the TUAW braintrust. We put the question to you and let you have your go at it. Today’s topic is landlines.

In the age of the iPhone, when each person can have their own voice and data center that travels with them in their pocket (or sits on their desk), what’s the point of land line.

Got no service? Your provider can set you up with a microcell to plug into your router. It runs off your cable data, adding full house-bound coverage.

Want to use traditional handsets that ring throughout the house? You can buy a Bluetooth adapter that hooks into your home wiring and distributes your phone service to the wired handsets.

Many turn to Skype or Vonage for home phones.

So what’s the point of a landline?

You tell us. Place your vote in this poll and then join in the comments with all your predictions.

View Poll

You’re the Pundit: Do you need a landline? originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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