Lead Management Site – Php

Lead Management Site – Php
we are imitating site eleadz [dot] com
l: jsmith321

it is a site where mortgage leads are sold to users.

watch video:


1. ‘applicant’ info is captured on site such as amerisave [dot] com

2. ‘applicant’ info is displayed on user-interface at eleadz [dot] com

3a. ‘user’ must deposit funds at site in order to view complete info of selected ‘applicants’
-otherwise, only some fields are visible
3b. or ‘user’ may select the individual ‘applicant’ information to purchase

4. ‘user’ can select to be notified of new applicants by different search filters

5. ‘applicants’ are separated into 2 categories (basic / premium), premium will contain more fields and will be at a higher price than basic
5b. ‘applicants’ info can be sold to upt o 5 different users
5c. ‘applicants’ info can be sold “exclusively” to 1 user, and then will not be available for purchase by other users (the price for this is higher)

6. ‘applicant’ info can also be entered manually into the system by ‘admin’

7. ‘user’ can set notification options (copy eleadz format)

8. ‘user’ can submit a dispute by entering the ‘applicants’ id number and submitting a form (copy eleadz format)

Please quote secret word “mleads” to be considered for this job.

Fix/improve Multi. Backgammon

Fix/improve Multi. Backgammon
Hello, my friend began creating the game backgammon for my website polargammon.com, there is no link to the game yet because it is not done, but it is pretty advanced.

Players who are registered on the website and logged in can play backgammon, search for a game automatically. There is a table in mysql that stores the player names that are searching game and matches them, the wins and losses are also recorded at the end of the game, there is also a chat in the game.

Though the backgammon game itself is not advanced enough, it was left undone. There are codes to add, improve etc.

The game is in .fla I think Flash CS3.

You also need to know PHP/MySQL well because the flash game communicates with PHP/MySQL and PHP is used for displaying the ladder statistics of the players on my website, but there are already codes for this for my other games so its basically copy paste.

Check out this link if you are interested also…

Help Fix Swish Menu Buttons

Help Fix Swish Menu Buttons
I have a problem with the animated menu buttons of my website, the web name is www.akingsgoldpages.com this was developed from a template. For some reason the buttons freeze up when I click to another section – most times you have to go back to HOME or ABOUT US then it works. Also on the contact page I have a contact form that appears to work properly but does not send the email.
Need some who knows Swish or Flash. Site is up now I really need to fix this.
Thank you ahead

Simple Site With Admin Panel 2

Simple Site With Admin Panel 2
I need a great website with an admin panel…. When you bid, tell me exactly what you will do.

Site Navigation
a. Home
b. About Us
c. Services- this will have sub-pages
d. Testimonials
e. Careers
f. Contact Us

There are four sections for services; on the homepage I would like a picture for each category, of course the images will relate to the respective service they represent.


Flash Intro & Site Template

Flash Intro & Site Template
I need a flash intro that looks like a movie trailer and psd files to make an html template to match the flash intro.

Here is our logo and colors:


The flash into needs to convey the message that we can do product creation and custom manufacturing from start to finish.

I need rapid and heavy drum beats in the background.

I want the flash intro to clearly show that we can take an idea (even if it’s some scribbles on a napkin) to concept, design, model, custom manufacturing.. We make it easy! Then on final heavy drum beat it lands on our logo and fades in the words “We make you and your ideas look good” then fade into html website with matching look.

I want it like a movie trailer

3…2…1..VOX! play movie as described above, perhaps flash logos of people we have done work for then lands on logo at the end.

The new website needs to be visually stimulating. Not much text and needs alot of photographs. I just need a template for the site and will do all of the images and coding. I also need the flash intro.

The site will be modeled after this site: http://www.autobuffs.net but using our logo and colors: http://voxpromotions.com/

I want to see samples of other flash intro’s you have made.

Here are some flash intros I like but they do not match our company.



If I had to put words to the script of the flash it would be like this:

(like movie count down) 3….2….1….VOX
Your ideas
into reality
if you can think it
we can manufacture it
it’s easy
idea…concept….design….model….custom manufacturing
We take care of everything
(rapid flash of client logos)
We make your stuff look good…. Real good!
(transition into website)

I want to see samples of other flash intros you have made. Our logos are attached.

Template Into Kickapps

Template Into Kickapps
Convert the following wordpress template into kickapps.

here is the link to the wordpress template http://masterytv.com/sandbox/blog2/

Here is the link to the current kick apps site

1. The layout on kickacks would stay the same except the video would move into the grey area as seen on: http://masterytv.com/sandbox/blog2/2009/11/23/the-course-in-mastery-day-1/

2, Won’t need the right side bar.

3. The kickapp(http://members.masterytv.com) links would need to be moved.

Flash Cms With Video Completio

Flash Cms With Video Completio
I have a flash site with incomplete CMS.
There are three sections:
1. There are randomn placed message boxes with links upon mouse over and clicking. a. Mouse over shows simple text and a banner ad. b. Clicking shows Video player link(with sourcing from youtube links),Fixed Banner ads within otherwise a simple text box.

2. Is similar to 1 except has just 3 fixed links rather than unlimited random as in in point1.

3. Is a simple Hyperlink directory.

So there is some simple stuff to complete , the most challenging is the the video player placement providing youtube link. I preferably do not want to be storing video as my current service doesn’t provide video. If I absolutely must then I will consider changing servers.

I have files from incompleted work of CMS that I thought was coming along reasonably well although I understand if you’d rather start from scratch.

To see the site (minus the video/banner features etc yet to be created) truthcity.com

Php Programmer To Add Dreamwea

Php Programmer To Add Dreamwea
I have Dreamweaver Add-on, use it for creation of the Paypal interface module

my client need finally updating the site and is to go-live.

They have tried to upload some product images via the shop admin but are receiving an upload error

I need someone look into this and fix it

Also, the client wants to use Paypal as a Payment Gateway, would you be able to integrate this into the shop – it is currently setup for Protx

thats all.. i am online.. i need enough experienced man who can do it right now (today)

budget $30