Omagh bomb relative’s case fails

Omagh bomb

A claim for damages against the chief constable and the NI Secretary brought by the husband of one of the victims of the Omagh bomb has been struck out.

Laurence Rush brought the case over "the failures in the apprehension, detection and pre-emptive arrest of the Real IRA members who planted the bomb".

Mr Rush’s wife Elizabeth was one of the 29 people murdered in the attack.

On Tuesday, a high court judge ruled that Mr Rush’s case "did not enjoy the potential prospect of success".

Mr Rush had claimed that the police failed to act upon information received regarding the planting of the Omagh bomb in August 1998 and failed to give adequate warnings and implement sufficient and adequate evacuation procedures.

The defendants applied to have Mr Rush’s claim struck out on the basis that it disclosed no reasonable cause of action or that it was frivolous or vexatious.

Adjudicating in the high court, Master Bell, said: "Those who committed the civil wrong against Mr Rush, as a result of which he tragically lost his wife, were the members of the Real IRA who organised and carried out the Omagh bombing.

"It was not the police or the secretary of state".

He granted the application by the chief constable and the secretary of state and struck out Mr Rush’s action.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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