Seven killed in Baghdad car bomb


A car bomb outside a cafe in Baghdad has killed seven people and injured more than 20, Iraqi officials say.

The bomb went off outside a cafe in Sadr City, a mainly Shia area in eastern Baghdad.

It comes two days after a spate of attacks across the country killed more than 100 people.

Iraq remains in political stalemate after inconclusive elections in March. Officials have warned the situation could be exploited by al-Qaeda.

Police and hospital officials said the blast took place near a popular cafe where young people were gathered.

Sadr City, a stronghold of anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, was the scene of one of Iraq’s most deadly bombings earlier this year, when insurgents targeted worshippers gathered for Friday prayers in April.

Earlier on Wednesday, police said a bomb inside a grocery shop in another mainly Shia area of Baghdad killed three people and wounded 23 others.

Insurgents apparently dumped a corpse in front of the shop, located in a market in the Shula district of north-western Baghdad, and then detonated a bomb when people crowded around.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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