Millie accused denies her murder

Barry McCarneyBarry McCarney is accused of murdering Millie (Picture:Impartial Reporter)
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The man accused of murdering toddler Millie Martin has told Enniskilllen Magistrates court he is innocent.

Barry McCarney, 31, of Bridge street Trillick, said he did not lay a hand on Millie and “was sickened and saddened by her death”.

He faces four charges including murder, a serious sexual assault, unlawful death and grievous bodily harm.

Fifteen-month-old Millie died after being brought to the Erne hospital in a lifeless condition in 2009.

Mr McCarney, appeared in court along with his former partner and Millie’s mother Rachel Martin.

Ms Martin, 27, from Kesh, faces two charges of allowing the death of her daughter and wilful neglect.

She is heavily pregnant and told the court she did not wish to say anything but her solicitor said she “absolutely denied” the offences.

They will both appear at Omagh Crown Court on 22 March.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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