Mocking 2 or more modules in jest doesnt mocking values

i am mocking 2 module one is react-library and other one is simple file but when i try to test it gives error and doesnt run but when i do it one by one by commenting first jest.mock and running second one or commenting second one and running first then it works perfectly

jest.mock('../../helper/Api', () => ({
   fetchBtcPrice: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(10),
   getTotalBtc: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([5, true]),

then how to deal with 2 or multiple module mocking in same test file??

example –


jest.mock('../../helper/Api', () => ({
  fetchBtcPrice: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('10'),
  getTotalCostakedBtc: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([5, true]), // Assuming you want to simulate 'true' for show notification
describe('Dashboard without connecting wallet', () => {
it('renders TVL value correctly', async () => {
    await act(async () =>
              <Dashboard />
    await act(async () => {
      const tvlElement = await waitFor(() => screen.getByTestId('loaded-TVL'), { timeout: 3000 })
      // screen.debug()
      const tvlText = tvlElement.textContent
      const expectedTotalValue = 5 * 10

it wont pass the test case
but if i jest.mock('@web3modal/ethers/react') comment this line
then it passes the code and give me expected as 50. else it gives me 0 only.
if i do


jest.mock('../../helper/Api', () => ({
  fetchBtcPrice: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('10'),
  getTotalCostakedBtc: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([5, true]), // Assuming you want to simulate 'true' for show notification
describe('Dashboard web3 after connecting wallet', () => {
  let mockOpen, mockSetThemeMode, mockAddress, mockIsConnected, mockWalletProvider, mockDisconnect

  beforeEach(() => {
    mockOpen = jest.fn()
    mockSetThemeMode = jest.fn()
    mockAddress = '0x9e0569'
    mockIsConnected = true

    mockWalletProvider = {
      request: jest.fn(),
      send: jest.fn(),
      on: jest.fn(),
      removeListener: jest.fn(),
      disconnect: jest.fn(),
      isMetaMask: true, // assuming you are using MetaMask
      _events: {}, // required by some ethers.js methods
    mockDisconnect = jest.fn()

    // // If you need to mock specific responses from the provider
    // mockWalletProvider.request.mockResolvedValue('0x123') // mock response for request method
    // mockWalletProvider.send.mockResolvedValue('0x456') // mock response for send method

    useWeb3Modal.mockReturnValue({ open: mockOpen })
    useWeb3ModalTheme.mockReturnValue({ setThemeMode: mockSetThemeMode })
    useWeb3ModalAccount.mockReturnValue({ address: mockAddress, isConnected: mockIsConnected })
    useWeb3ModalProvider.mockReturnValue({ walletProvider: mockWalletProvider })
    useDisconnect.mockReturnValue({ disconnect: mockDisconnect })
it('renders clicking arrow button navigating to costake page', async () => {
    const { getByTestId } = render(
            <Dashboard />

then it also failed but if i comment

// jest.mock('../../helper/Api', () => ({
//   fetchBtcPrice: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('10'),
//   getTotalCostakedBtc: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([5, true]), // Assuming you want to simulate 'true' for show notification
// }))

then it passes the test case.
so its like,the jest is overlapping the mock modules.
how to solve this?