How to specify the column and data property in jspreadsheet ce when a property is another object

The outer object has properties name, id, age, and company. The company property is another object with properties name and location.

var table = jexcel(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {        
    { name:'Jorge', id:'3', age:'40',company:{name:'nokia',location:'us'} },
    { name:'Robert', id:'4', age:'48',company:{name:'nokia',location:'us'} },
    { name:'Santos', id:'5', age:'32',company:{name:'nokia',location:'us'} },
columns: [
    { type:'text', width:300, name:'id', title:'id' },
    { type:'text', width:100, name:'name', title:'name' },
    { type:'text', width:100, name:'age', title:'age' },
    { type:'text', width:100, data:'', title:'company name' },
    { type:'text', width:100, data:'company.location', title:'company location' },

and the result table looks like this:
enter image description here

An example of this issue here: