Why is my JS event handler not working in SVG?

I am currently making a graphing calculator in C++. I wanted to make multiple versions of said graphing calculator. This first attempt uses SVG and JS to create graphs.

When I create the file and use the SVG file I wish to display the point of the graph (where a user clicks). However, my method to display the coordinates is not working. I click the graph, and nothing happens.


struct Point {
    double x;
    double y;

using Function = long double (*)(long double);

double evaluate(Function func, double x) {
    return static_cast<double>(func(x));

void plotGraph(Function func, double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, double stepSize, int SVG_SIZE, const string& hexLineColor) {
    // Calculate number of points to plot
    int numPoints = static_cast<int>((maxX - minX) / stepSize) + 1;

    // Vector to store points
    vector<Point> points(numPoints);

    // Evaluate function at each step and store points
    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
        double x = minX + i * stepSize;
        double y = evaluate(func, x);
        // Check if y is NaN, if so, skip this point
        if (!isnan(y)) {
            points[i] = {x, y};
        } else {
            // Set x-coordinate of the skipped point to NaN so it's not drawn
            points[i] = {NAN, NAN};

    // Normalize points to fit in the specified range
    double xRange = maxX - minX;
    double yRange = maxY - minY;

    for (auto& point : points) {
        if (!std::isnan(point.x)) {
            point.x = (point.x - minX) * SVG_SIZE / xRange;
            point.y = (point.y - minY) * SVG_SIZE / yRange;

    // Calculate the x-position of the y-axis
    double yAxisXPos = -minX * SVG_SIZE / xRange;
    if (minX <= 0 && maxX >= 0) {
        yAxisXPos = -minX / (maxX - minX) * SVG_SIZE;
    } else if (minX > 0) {
        yAxisXPos = 0;
    } else {
        yAxisXPos = SVG_SIZE;

    // Calculate the y-position of the x-axis
    double xAxisYPos;
    if (minY <= 0 && maxY >= 0) {
        xAxisYPos = maxY / (maxY - minY) * SVG_SIZE;
    } else if (minY > 0) {
        xAxisYPos = SVG_SIZE;
    } else {
        xAxisYPos = 0;

    // Open SVG file for writing
    ofstream svgFile("graph.svg");

    // SVG header
    svgFile << "<svg width="" << SVG_SIZE << "" height="" << SVG_SIZE << "" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">" << std::endl;

    // Draw x-axis
    svgFile << "<line x1="" << yAxisXPos << "" y1="0" x2="" << yAxisXPos << "" y2="" << SVG_SIZE << "" style="stroke:black;stroke-width:1"/>" << std::endl;
    // Draw y-axis
    svgFile << "<line x1="0" y1="" << xAxisYPos << "" x2="" << SVG_SIZE << "" y2="" << xAxisYPos << "" style="stroke:black;stroke-width:1"/>" << std::endl;

    // Plot points and lines
    for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i) {
        // Check if both x-coordinates are not NaN
        if (!isnan(points[i - 1].x) && !isnan(points[i].x)) {
            // Check if both y-coordinates are not NaN
            if (!isnan(points[i - 1].y) && !isnan(points[i].y)) {
                // Draw line between two points
                svgFile << "<line x1="" << points[i - 1].x << "" y1="" << SVG_SIZE - points[i - 1].y << "" "
                        << "x2="" << points[i].x << "" y2="" << SVG_SIZE - points[i].y << "" "
                        << "style="stroke:#" << hexLineColor << ";stroke-width:2"/>" << std::endl;

    // Add event handler for clicking on points
    svgFile << "<script><![CDATA[" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "function showCoordinates(evt) {" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    var svg = evt.target.ownerDocument;" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    var point = svg.createSVGPoint();" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    point.x = evt.clientX;" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    point.y = evt.clientY;" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    var svgPoint = point.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    var textElement = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'text');" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    textElement.setAttribute('x', svgPoint.x);" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    textElement.setAttribute('y', svgPoint.y);" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    textElement.setAttribute('fill', 'black');" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    textElement.textContent = '(' + svgPoint.x.toFixed(2) + ', ' + svgPoint.y.toFixed(2) + ')';" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "    svg.appendChild(textElement);" << std::endl; // Append to the SVG root
    svgFile << "}" << std::endl;
    svgFile << "]]></script>" << std::endl;

    // Draw a transparent rectangle to capture clicks
    svgFile << "<rect width="" << SVG_SIZE << "" height="" << SVG_SIZE << "" fill="transparent" onclick="showCoordinates(evt)"/>" << std::endl;

    // Close SVG tag
    svgFile << "</svg>";

    // Close the file

    cout << "Graph created in graph.svg" << endl;

I have tried changing the syntax a few times and I have completely changed my approach once (caused an error, so I won’t go into detail)