Want to detect all the words in the string

So ive written a code which would detect all the words that are there in a sentence. I would only detect the words and would ignore the spaces, which means even if there are empty spaces in the string i would not count them. But the result are not what i expected. Here is the code :

var mystring = "Hello World"
var indexcount = 0
var words = 0

for (element of mystring){
    if(element == " " || element[indexcount + 1] != " " || element[indexcount -1] != " "){
        var words = words + 1
        var indexcount = indexcount + 1
        indexcount = indexcount + 1


So this code would actually help anyone who would want to know all the words that are there in a string, ignoring all the spaces. So even if you had just a single word within a string and a lot of spaces still, the result would be 1. But i am getting weird ouputs. please help