Netsuite : AddFilter(position, reference, type, label, displayType, defaultValue, helpText, source, maxLength) Please enter valid default value error

I’m trying to customise the suitelet of the EFT Bill Payment and set a defaultValue on a filter.

I found this documentation : []

here is the code that I try to implement :

const onRequest = (context) => {
try {

            var epPlugin = plugin.loadImplementation({type: "customscript_17239_ep_api_plugin",implementation: "default"});
            var epPaymentSelectionForm = epPlugin.getEPForm(); epPaymentSelectionForm.setPaymentType('EFT');
            epPaymentSelectionForm.AddFilter(true,'custbody18', 'checkbox', 'Block for payment', 'normal', 'T');
            epPaymentSelectionForm.AddFilter(true,'custbody17', 'multiselect', 'Payment Method', 'inline','1,6', '', 'customlist819', '');
            epPaymentSelectionForm.AddColumn('text', 'Payment Method', 'custbody17'); 
            var form = epPaymentSelectionForm.GetForm();
         } catch (e) {
            log.error("error in loading",e)

    return {onRequest}


the error is the following : ‘Invalid value. Please enter valid default value.’ I have already try ‘T’, ‘true’, ‘True’, true none of them work.

Anyone has ever faced this issue ?

Thank you,

The defaultValue is never set neither for the first filter or the second one.