Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function twig_split_filter(), 2 passed

i’working on a project php/twig and i got problem in my template while calling the split function of Twig
here is my admin.twig

{% set safeties = ["allg", "labor", "s1"] %}
{% set suArrRequire = ("1" ~ data.pflichtSU)|split('') %}
{% for safety in safeties %}
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-3">
        <div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle" data-toggle="buttons">
            <label class="btn btn-secondary radio-inline {% if suArrRequire[loop.index0] == 1 %}active{% endif %}" for="yes{{ loop.index0 }}">
                <input type="radio" name="data[suRequire][{{ safety }}]" id="yes{{ loop.index0 }}" value="1" autocomplete="off" {% if suArrRequire[loop.index0] == 1 %}checked{% endif %}><span class="tr" key="yes"></span>
            <label class="btn btn-secondary radio-inline {% if suArrRequire[loop.index0] == 0 %}active{% endif %}" for="no{{ loop.index0 }}">
                <input type="radio" name="data[suRequire][{{ safety }}]" id="no{{ loop.index0 }}" value="0" autocomplete="off" {% if suArrRequire[loop.index0] == 0 %}checked{% endif %}><span class="tr" key="no"></span>
{% endfor %}

and here is the function from Twig class CoreExtension.php:

function twig_split_filter(Environment $env, $value, $delimiter, $limit = null)
    if (strlen($delimiter) > 0) {
        return null === $limit ? explode($delimiter, $value) : explode($delimiter, $value, $limit);

    if ($limit <= 1) {
        return preg_split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $value);

    $length = mb_strlen($value, $env->getCharset());
    if ($length < $limit) {
        return [$value];

    $r = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i += $limit) {
        $r[] = mb_substr($value, $i, $limit, $env->getCharset());

    return $r;

    public function getFilters(): array
        return [
            // formatting filters
            new TwigFilter('date', 'twig_date_format_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('date_modify', 'twig_date_modify_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('format', 'sprintf'),
            new TwigFilter('replace', 'twig_replace_filter'),
            new TwigFilter('number_format', 'twig_number_format_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('abs', 'abs'),
            new TwigFilter('round', 'twig_round'),

            // encoding
            new TwigFilter('url_encode', 'twig_urlencode_filter'),
            new TwigFilter('json_encode', 'json_encode'),
            new TwigFilter('convert_encoding', 'twig_convert_encoding'),

            // string filters
            new TwigFilter('title', 'twig_title_string_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('capitalize', 'twig_capitalize_string_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('upper', 'twig_upper_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('lower', 'twig_lower_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('striptags', 'strip_tags'),
            new TwigFilter('trim', 'twig_trim_filter'),
            new TwigFilter('nl2br', 'nl2br', ['pre_escape' => 'html', 'is_safe' => ['html']]),
            new TwigFilter('spaceless', 'twig_spaceless', ['is_safe' => ['html']]),

            // array helpers
            new TwigFilter('join', 'twig_join_filter'),
            new TwigFilter('split', 'twig_split_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('sort', 'twig_sort_filter'),
            new TwigFilter('merge', 'twig_array_merge'),
            new TwigFilter('batch', 'twig_array_batch'),
            new TwigFilter('column', 'twig_array_column'),
            new TwigFilter('filter', 'twig_array_filter'),
            new TwigFilter('map', 'twig_array_map'),
            new TwigFilter('reduce', 'twig_array_reduce'),

            // string/array filters
            new TwigFilter('reverse', 'twig_reverse_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('length', 'twig_length_filter', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('slice', 'twig_slice', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('first', 'twig_first', ['needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFilter('last', 'twig_last', ['needs_environment' => true]),

            // iteration and runtime
            new TwigFilter('default', '_twig_default_filter', ['node_class' => DefaultFilter::class]),
            new TwigFilter('keys', 'twig_get_array_keys_filter'),

the Error i get is
enter image description here

i tried to wrok on the parametrs but still get the same problem