getting inconsistent values on my postgres database

I had set up a cron which will update my table in the postgres database by fetching values from redis , the cron runs every 10 minutes . The values will be updated in the DB if same date data is present in the redis , otherwise will be updated with new value in the redis , Here is the code

const CacheUtils = require('../../utils/cache-utils');
const { DateTime } = require('luxon');
const {bookshelf} = require('../../schema/knex');
const googleLeadsSearchDailyEntries = require('../../schema/models/google-leads-search-daily-entries');

module.exports = class GoogleLeadFinder {
  static async googleLeadSearchUpsert() {
    const dailyCount = await this._getDataFromRedis();
    if (dailyCount.length === 0) {

     await bookshelf
      .transaction(async trans => {
      const uniqueConstraint = `("userId","orgId","quotaDate")`;
      const params = {
        table: 'googleLeadsSearchDailyEntries',
        objects: dailyCount,
        constraint: uniqueConstraint
      const action = `UPDATE SET "dailySearch"=EXCLUDED."dailySearch","updatedAt" = NOW()`;
     await googleLeadsSearchDailyEntries.upsert(params, trans,action);
  static async _getDataFromRedis() {
    const todayDate = DateTime.local();
    const client = await CacheUtils.getClient();
    const results = [];
    const filterCondition = `googleleads-userdaycountval-${}-${todayDate.month}-${todayDate.year}-*`;
    const  keys = await client.keysAsync(filterCondition);
    for (const key of keys) {
      const fetchDataFromKey = key.match(/d+/g).map(numStr => parseInt(numStr));
      const dailySearch = parseInt(await client.getAsync(key));
      results.push({ userId: fetchDataFromKey[3], orgId: fetchDataFromKey[4], dailySearch, quotaDate: todayDate.toISODate() });
    return results;

the code is running on my EC2 instance , and the database is on my aws rds check the image

as you can see on the image , cron is still updating till 26-04-2024(updatedAt) when the quota date is of 25-04-2024 , it should’nt have updated that

i want the cron to stop updating the data of the tuple whose quota date have been passed , working as expected on my local but not showing consistent results on stage environment
(Note : i have defined userId,orgId,quotaDate as unique fields)