Why a string that has persian/arabic and English characters, was messed up in browser view?

I’m coding an ASP.NET core application. I read a record of SQL database and I want to show it in my html page through a Jquery function. It’s a part of my code:

//some code...

    <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
       $(document).ready(function () {
         var materialname = [];
         @if (Model.Count() != 0)
            foreach (var item in Model)
              @:console.log('name: ' + '@item.material.StoreName');


When I run this code, it’s showed an incorrect string in console.
for example, StoreName in DB is:

enter image description here

but it is showed in console like this:

 name: &#x645;&#x62D;&#x635;&#x648;&#x644; &#x62F;&#x633;&#x62A;&#x647; AB &#x627;&#x646;&#x62F;&#x627;&#x632;&#x647; 5mm

How can I correct this and show a right encoding char?