Tring to build an autocomplete input for a weather desktop app

I am trying to build a weather app for a self-guided Vanilla JavaScript course. I have successfully fetched the code for the API from the accuWeather website, but I can’t figure out how to display it. I am trying to make it so that when the user types any letter onto the search bar, it’ll open a drop-down of some sort displaying cities that start with that letter. When I console.log it on the forecast.js file, I am able to get back those cities by applying this method:

data.forEach(city => console.log(`${city.AdministrativeArea.LocalizedName}, ${city.Country.LocalizedName}`))

and setting a random string-letter inside the function getAutoCities().

here is what I have so far:

forecast.js file (Here is where I fetch the information from the API):

    const key = 'P7USqIWPhyor91rmlvOTcRaMyMgwfrfrg'

//get Autocomplete List
const getAutoCities = async (search) => {
    const base = '';
    const query = `?apikey=${key}&q=${search}`

    const response = await fetch(base + query);
    const data = await response.json();

    return data;

This top part is a separate JS file I made to fetch the API. The bottom one is my app code.

app.js (The code for the app):

const cityForm = document.querySelector('form');
const card = document.querySelector('.card');
const details = document.querySelector('.details');
const time = document.querySelector('.time');
const icon = document.querySelector('.icon img');
const inputField = document.querySelector('input');
const autofill = document.querySelector('.autocomplete')

const updateUI = (data) => {

    //destructure properties
    const {cityDets, weather} = data;

//update details template
    details.innerHTML = `
    <h5 class="my-3">${cityDets.EnglishName}</h5>
    <div class="my-3">${weather.WeatherText}</div>
    <div class="display-4 my-4">

    //update day.night & icon images
    const iconSrc = `img/icons/${weather.WeatherIcon}.svg`;
    icon.setAttribute('src', iconSrc);

    let timeSrc = weather.IsDayTime ? 'img/day.svg' : 'img/night.svg';

    time.setAttribute('src', timeSrc);

    //remove the d-none if present
    if(card.classList.contains('d-none')) {


const updateCity = async (city) => {

    const cityDets = await getCity(city);
    const weather = await getWeather(cityDets.Key);

return {cityDets, weather};


cityForm.addEventListener('submit', e => {

    //get city value
    const city =;

    //update UI with new city
     .then(data => updateUI(data))
     .catch(err => console.log(err));

Where and how would I insert the code to show the data I fetched from the api?