Best practices for managing asynchronous operations in JavaScript to avoid callback hell [closed]

How can I efficiently handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript to avoid callback hell?

I’m currently working on a JavaScript project where I’m dealing with multiple asynchronous operations. However, I’m encountering callback hell, and my code is becoming increasingly difficult to manage. I’m looking for some guidance on how to handle asynchronous operations more efficiently to avoid this issue.

Specifically, I’m interested in learning about best practices or patterns that can help streamline my asynchronous code and prevent it from becoming overly nested with callbacks. Are there any design patterns, libraries, or techniques that are commonly used to address this problem?

I’ve explored using Promises and async/await, but I’m still struggling to refactor my code effectively. Any insights or examples demonstrating how to refactor asynchronous code to make it more manageable would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, if there are any common pitfalls or mistakes to avoid when dealing with asynchronous operations in JavaScript, I’d love to learn about those as well.