Why does svelteKit/Node only load js and other assets on the homepage?

It seems the build of my sveltekit site on a nodejs server will load all assets when on the homepage, and carries them to pages, but loading directly onto a page will not load the proper resources.

Properly Loaded Page
Once on the homepage, all assets are loaded, and the site acts properly. The assets stay loaded navigating from page to page, but refeshing or just directly following a url breaks this.

Site with no assets
If the page is refreshed while not on the homepage, none of the assets seen in inspect have loaded, and the onMount JS function did not run and load the header properly.

I have made sure all node modules are up to date, and I am running Node 20.12. However I have little experience with svelte sveltekit and node. Any thoughts on what I need to do to fix this?