Cloning Live Website App to Run on LocalHost (WebPack & _Next)

I’ve been trying to download all the assets from a website with the goal of figuring out how it works and reverse engineer them to build something similar.

I’ve tried with 3 similar websites, and haven’t been successful. All the sites have chunks and this is where I get confused. I used the plugin “ResourcesSaver” to download all the files but can’t figure out how to run them after.

For example this site under inspect>sources the folder “_Next/Static” has all the chunks and code for each page. Then under Network I found _buildManifest.js and it seems to connect them together.

The same for this site which has a lot more chunks and files.

I’ve used ResourcesSaver to download all the files and run them on VS but continually get errors and assume I’m doing multiple things wrong.

How would someone download a website like this and run it similarly to how you can with simple HTML websites?