Vue JS: async function returns Promise Object

I’m newbee in JS, and i have a problem. There is a object with a shift in the camp.I need to redo his name to “name (shift occupancy)” format. I wrote a function that collects shift data, calculates it, and returns the name. But it doesn’t work


const sessionName = async (payload) => {
  const orgId = form.value.findFieldByFieldId('organization').value;
  const session = await getSessions(orgId, payload);
  const data = Object.values(;
  for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    const name = data[i].children_capacity > data[i].children_register ?
      `${data[i].name} (${data[i].children_capacity - data[i].children_register} places)`
      : `${data[i].name} (out of places)`;
    return name;

json response from await getSessions

[{"id":3277,"price":500,"date_start":"2025-05-29","date_end":"2025-06-29","name":"1st shift","theme":"Physical education ","children_capacity":30,"children_register":0,"is_active":true,"organization":1148,"organization_name":"Hawk"]

form input (there is autocomplete vue js element)

        type: 'autocomplete',
        fieldId: 'session',
        value: null,
        label: 'Session choice',
        items: [],
        methods: getSessions,
        rules: [...requiredRules],
        itemTitle: sessionName,
        itemValue: 'id',
        multiple: false,
        idParam: 'organization',
        triggerFields: [
          { fieldId: 'organization', isExist: true },

I tried using await and then in the form, but this does not give a result, and returns either an Object Object that cannot be converted, or throws an error.
The required values are output to the console, but the return value is Promise. Perhaps there is some way to fill in without getting the return value?