How to check if an attribute that belongs to multiple elements has one of several values

I’m trying to test whether an attribute that is shared by 3 elements has one of several values. Here’s the html:

    <div class="wrapper">
      <a title="value 1"</a> 
      <a title="value 2"</a> 
      <a title="value 3"</a> 

I need a way to assert that the title attribute of all three elements will have one of the 3 values, because their order might change in the future but I just need to make sure that they’re there.

Here’s what I’ve tried but didn’t work for me:


    .should('have.attr', 'title').as('title');

expect('@title').to.contain.oneOf('value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3');

I suspect it might need a for-loop but I can’t wrap my head around how to approach it.