JS function giving inconsistent output

I am trying to implement 2 questions.

// Question 1: Given a greet() function modify it to update its context with an object
// having firstName and lastName properties.

function greet(name) {
  console.log("lalalalaHi " + name + " " + this + " is the original context of the function");

var obj = {
  firstName: "Alex",
  lastName: "Riley"
greet.call(obj, "Ron");

// Question 2: Given a greet() function modify it to update its context with an object 
// having firstName and lastName properties
// and allow it to accept multiple arguments in an array

function greet(name, lastName) {
  console.log("Hi " + name, lastName + ", I am " + this.firstName, this.lastName);

myDetails = { "firstName": "Harry", "lastName": "Potter" }
greet.apply(myDetails, ["Ron", "Weasley"]); //Passing object myDetails for this keyword

myDetails = { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Potter" }
greet.apply(myDetails, ["Ron", "Weasley"]); //Passing object myDetails for this keyword

When I am executing 1st question alone, I am getting output as,

lalalalaHi Ron [object global] is the original context of the function

lalalalaHi Ron [object Object] is the original context of the function

But when I am executing both together, my output for 1st ques is also getting changed

Hi Ron undefined, I am undefined undefined

Hi Ron undefined, I am Alex Riley

Please help me understand, what is happening here.

I ran the questions separately and together in both the cases I am getting different output.
How is this working…