How can I have a link that executes a command in JQuery Terminal?

I’m trying to have some links to execute commands. For example:

function showMenu(consoleObj) {
consoleObj.echo("t[[!;;]about]      learn more about whatever");

I’d like the “about” text be clickable and execute the about function, rather than going to an external link.

For reference, I have anyLinks: true, in here:

anyLinks: true,
menu: function() {

Just so you know, I’m a big time noob. Thank you!

I’ve tried:

consoleObj.echo("t[[!;#fff;;#about]about]      learn more about whatever");


consoleObj.echo("t[[!;#fff;;about]about]      learn more about whatever");


consoleObj.echo("t[[!;#fff;;!about]about]      learn more about whatever");

nothing worked (they all took me to an /about page, rather than executing the command).