Important API calls appearing in the network tab [closed]

I’m creating a web app and I need to do some API calls to Azure SQL for some data. I’m using NEXTjs so I already manage to “getServersideProps” to render those API calls from the back-end. My problem is that there is an email input, the user writes his email and that’s when I check into the database to get some of the data related to that email. Those are the API calls that show in the network tab with all the data from the user email.

I have heard something related with the new NEXTjs project structure (I’m using pages folder) where api calls by default are made in the back-end. Is that something I should look into or it is the same as “getServerSideProps”?

I know there is not actual way to “hide” the API calls from the network tab, but any idea is more than welcome!