Discord.js Bot V14 – AuditLogs not returning right data on specific events

I’m trying to make a small Logger Discord Bot. The code below is how i get the audit logs entry (for the channelDelete event).
But i got a big problem: also if the user who deletes the message (user A) is not a bot or the author of the message (user B), the executor (and also the target) is not correct, it’s referred to a previous deleted message (the channel data is about the right deleted channel).

Example: user A create a message -> User B deletes it.
Then user B creates a message -> User A deletes it.
Both logs have as executor user B and target User A (waited until the end of an action before to perform an other)

I’ve also ried to add a setTimeout(() => {...}, 2500); But nothing changes, it doesn’t give the right executor (and target).
What i’m doing wrong?

    const AuditLogFetch = await channel.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
      limit: 1,
      type: auditType,
    if (!AuditLogFetch.entries.first())
      return console.error(`No entries found.`);

    const entry = AuditLogFetch.entries.first();
    let parentChannel = null;
    if (entry.channelParentId) 
      parentChannel =                                                       channel.guild.channels.cache.get(channel.parentId).toString();

    const chDeleteEmbed = {
      color: colors.DARK_RED,
      author: {
       name: `${entry.globalName != null ? entry.globalName : 'No nickname'} [${entry.username != null ? entry.username : 'No username'}]`,
        icon_url: entry.displayAvatarURL()
      description: `${channel.type} deleted by <@${entry.executor.id}> n 
        ${parentChannel != null ? `In category: ${parentChannel}` : '' }`,
      fields: [
          name: 'Nome canale', 
          value: `${channel.name}`
     // send embed func ...

Thank you